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Apartment block, Samana Barari Lagoons, Samana Barari Lagoons

Dubai, Majan

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Samana Barari Lagoons at Majan е најновиот станбен напредок фокусиран на одржливо живеење, развиен од Самана Програмери со студија, апартмани со 1, 2 и 3 спални соби и дуплекси со приватен базен. Ова е вашата шанса да го откриете спокојството, совршен спој на луксуз и природа кои нудат светилиште на мир и спокојство. Овој иновативен развој ветува уникатно искуство за живеење преку својот модерен дизајн и исклучителни удобности. Со посветеност на одржливо живеење, тој претставува совршена рамнотежа помеѓу урбаната софистицираност и природната ведрина, нудејќи извонредна почит на живеењето инспирирано од природата.

Selling price
702.316 AED (10.851.988 ден.)
Living area
30 m²

Basic details

Listing number 665326
New construction Yes (Under construction)
Selling price 702.316 AED (10.851.988 ден.)
Real estate permit number 11111
Rooms 1
Bedrooms 1
Bathrooms 1
Toilets 1
Bathrooms with toilet 1
Living area 30 m²
Total area 39 m²
Area of other spaces 9 m²
Measurements verified Yes
Measurements based on Building plan
Floor 39
Residential floors 17
Condition New
Parking Parking space
Features Air-conditioning, Security system, Double glazzed windows, Fireplace, Boiler
Views City
Storages Cabinet
Telecommunications Cable internet
Floor surfaces Tile, Concrete
Wall surfaces Tile, Concrete, Paint
Bathroom surfaces Tile, Marble, Concrete
Kitchen equipments Electric stove, Refrigerator, Freezer refrigerator, Freezer, Cabinetry, Dishwasher, Separate oven, Microwave, Washing machine, Washing machine connection
Bathroom equipments Shower, Bathtub, Bidet shower, Cabinet, Sink, Shower wall, Toilet seat, Water boiler, Mirror, Mirrored cabinet, Shower stall
Utility room equipments Washing machine connection, Drying cabinet
Description Се продава простран студио стан со приватен базен со 5-8години план за плаќање

Building and property details

Construction started 2024
Construction year 2028
Inauguration 2028
Floors 39
Lift Yes
Roof type Flat roof
Ventilation Mechanical ventilation
Foundation Concrete
Energy certificate class Energy certificate is not required by law
Heating Central water heating
Building materials Concrete
Roof materials Fiber cement
Facade materials Concrete, Concrete element
Common areas Sauna, Technical room, Club room, Lobby, Gym, Swimming pool, Parking hall, Restaurant, Roof terrace, Laundry room
Number of parking spaces 1
Number of buildings 1
Terrain Flat
Water area Right to use common water area
Road Yes
Land ownership Rental
Planning situation General plan
Municipality engineering Water, Sewer, Electricity


Grocery store 0.2 km  

Public transportation access

Bus 11 km  


Maintenance 500 د.إ / month (7.725,86 ден)

Purchase costs

Transfer tax 4 %
Registration fees 4.200 AED (64.897 ден.)
Commission 2 %

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