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Villa, Falcon Island

Ras Al Khaimah Ras al-Khaimah, Al Hamra Village

Далекусежна визија

Доживејте го крајното луксузно живеење во Рас ал-Хајма, прекрасен град во ОАЕ. Оваа прекрасна вила, лоцирана во престижното село Ал Хамра, нуди 5 пространи спални соби, 5 бањи и 9 соби, што ја прави совршена за семејства или поединци кои бараат удобен и простран дом. Со вкупна станбена површина од 515 квадратни метри, секоја единица е внимателно дизајнирана за да ги задоволи потребите на својот нов сопственик на куќа, со избор на поглед на канал, заедница или море. Уживајте во практичноста на станиците за полнење EV, електричното греење и прозорците со двојно застаклување. Вилата може да се пофали со низа модерни удобности, вклучувајќи клупска соба, теретана, базен и ресторан, сите на пешачење до терен за голф, марина, тениско игралиште, здравствен клуб и плажа. Со кратко возење до меѓународно училиште, болница и трговски центар, овој имот нуди совршен спој на луксуз и погодност.

Selling price
15.000.000 AED (239.395.605 ден.)
Living area
515 m²

Basic details

Listing number 665125
Selling price 15.000.000 AED (239.395.605 ден.)
Real estate permit number 00000
Rooms 9
Bedrooms 5
Bathrooms 5
Toilets 2
Living area 515 m²
Description of living spaces Each home meets the current and future needs of a range of family types, be it a small young family to one of a larger extended size. Room options, sizes, layouts, and views to suit your preference. With a choice of canal, community or sea views, each unit has been tailored to fit the needs of its new homeowner. EV charging stations are available to the residents.
Description of other spaces This propety has a private beach. Surrounded by lush greenery and the glistening Arabian Sea, Falcon Island is nestled within Al Hamra Village. This serene community is gated with a championship golf club surrounded with lagoons, a marina & yacht club, an array of food & beverage outlets and a shopping mall. Falcon Island’s townhouses and villas offer the most refined and stylish lifestyle. Built to the highest specifications and best in class finishes and fittings, Falcon Island represents the pinnacle of luxury lifestyle offering 120m2 to 1,100m2 of living spaces, with two to seven en-suite bedrooms, and green well-landscaped plots of up to 1,000m2, some with their own exclusive beach and private pools.
Area description The lifestyle on Falcon Island adds a whole new dimension of charm to this already stunning Emirate. This one-of-a-kind island is not limited to its beautiful aesthetics; it is an island that hosts convenience, 18-hole golf course, Al Hamra Mall is a stone’s throw away, a British curriculum school and medical centres within vicinity, and walking tracks to keep in-line with Ras Al Khaimah’s government vision on sustainable tourism
Measurements verified No
Measurements based on Building plan
Floor 1
Residential floors 2
Condition New
Vacancy from According to contract
Parking Parking space
Is located on ground level Yes
Suitable for disabled Yes
Features Air-conditioning, Security system, Double glazzed windows, Heat recovery
Views Inner courtyard, Neighbourhood, Sea, Swimming pool
Storages Cabinet, Wardrobe, Walk-in closet
Telecommunications Optical fibre internet
Floor surfaces Ceramic tile, Marble
Wall surfaces Concrete, Paint
Bathroom surfaces Ceramic tile
Kitchen equipments Electric stove, Gas stove, Oven, Refrigerator, Freezer refrigerator, Freezer, Cabinetry, Kitchen hood, Dishwasher, Separate oven, Washing machine
Bathroom equipments Shower, Bathtub, Jacuzzi, Bidet shower, Cabinet, Sink, Shower wall, Toilet seat, Water boiler, Mirror
Utility room equipments Washing machine connection
Description Сопствена приватна плажа со вила

Building and property details

Construction started 2025
Construction year 2026
Inauguration 2026
Floors 2
Lift No
Roof type Flat roof
Ventilation Natural ventilation
Foundation Piling and concrete
Energy certificate class Energy certificate is not required by law
Heating Electric heating
Building materials Brick, Concrete
Facade materials Plaster
Common areas Club room, Club house, Lobby, Gym, Swimming pool, Parking hall, Restaurant
Number of parking spaces 1.000
Number of buildings 502
Terrain Flat
Water area Own shore / beach
Road Yes
Land ownership Own
Planning situation Detailed plan
Municipality engineering Water, Sewer, Electricity, Gas


Golf 0.1 km  
Marina 0.1 km  
Tennis 0.1 km  
Health club 0.1 km  
Beach 0.1 km  
Restaurant 0.1 km  
Hospital 5 km  
Shopping center 5 km  

Public transportation access

Airport 45 km  


Maintenance 150.000 د.إ / year (2.393.956,05 ден) (estimate)

Purchase costs

Transfer tax 2 %
Registration fees 1.100 AED (17.556 ден.) (Estimate)

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