Single-family house, Klemolankatu 16
37630 Valkeakoski, Roukko
Доживејте го живописниот град Валкеакоски во срцето на Пирканмаа. Изградена во 1954 година, оваа прекрасна самостојна куќа нуди совршена комбинација на традиционална финска архитектура и модерни удобности. Куќата има три поголеми спални соби, како и соби во проектирачкиот дел од куќата, кои не ја исполнуваат дефиницијата за формална соба, исто така функционира добро за употреба во спалната соба. Во име на своите простории, оваа просторна соба нуди свој мир за малку поголемо семејство. Секој од трите ката е опремен со воздушна топлинска пумпа. Куќата претрпе големи реновирања со текот на годините и, неодамна, кујната и подрумската бања добија нов изглед во 2024 година. Во дворот ќе најдете гаража, како и убава тераса со када. Во близина има самопослуга, добри активности на отворено и услугите на центарот на градот се исто така на кратко растојание. Добредојдовте, претставувам со задоволство!
Matti Nurmi
Selling price
139.000 € (8.545.541 ден.)Rooms
1Living area
135 m²Basic details
Listing number | 665001 |
Selling price | 139.000 € (8.545.541 ден.) |
Rooms | 5 |
Bedrooms | 4 |
Bathrooms | 1 |
Toilets | 2 |
Living area | 135 m² |
Total area | 180 m² |
Area of other spaces | 45 m² |
Measurements verified | No |
Measurements based on | Information given by owner |
Floor | 1 |
Residential floors | 3 |
Condition | Good |
Parking | Courtyard parking, Garage |
Features | Air source heat pump |
Spaces |
Bedroom Toilet Sauna Bathroom Kitchen Living room Cellar |
Views | Yard, Backyard, Front yard, Private courtyard, Neighbourhood, Street |
Storages | Cabinet, Basement storage base, Attic storage |
Telecommunications | Antenna |
Floor surfaces | Laminate |
Wall surfaces | Wall paper, Paint |
Bathroom surfaces | Tile |
Kitchen equipments | Freezer refrigerator, Cabinetry, Kitchen hood, Dishwasher, Separate oven |
Bathroom equipments | Shower, Underfloor heating |
Utility room equipments | Washing machine connection |
Asbestos survey | The building was built before 1994 and an asbestos survey has not been performed. |
Building and property details
Construction year | 1954 |
Inauguration | 1954 |
Floors | 2 |
Lift | No |
Roof type | Gable roof |
Ventilation | Natural ventilation |
Energy certificate class | No energy certificate required by law |
Heating | Electric heating, Furnace or fireplace heating, Air-source heat pump |
Building materials | Wood |
Roof materials | Sheet metal |
Facade materials | Timber cladding |
Renovations |
Heating 2023 (Done), Air source heat pumps installed 2nd floor 2023, 1st floor 2016, basement 2012. Roof 2018 (Done), Roof painted. Facade 2018 (Done), Facade painted. Outside doors 2016 (Done), Exterior doors replaced. Yard 2015 (Done), Outdoor terraces. Windows 2015 (Done), Venetian blinds for windows. Other 2015 (Done), Tub. Other 2012 (Done), The living room fireplace. Electricity 2012 (Done), The electrical system was completely renovated between 2012 and 2023. Other 1995 (Done), Garage completed. Windows 1993 (Done), Windows renewed (selective glazing) Underdrain 1992 (Done), Secret ditches and dam plates. Water pipes 1992 (Done), Water pipes renewed. Sewers 1992 (Done), The bottom drain has been renewed. |
Common areas | Storage, Sauna, Garage |
Property reference number | 908-7-409-6 |
Property tax per year |
200 €
12.295,74 ден |
Encumbrances | Completed electronic mortgage deeds for €200,000, which will be handed over to the buyer unsecured upon completion of the transaction. |
Lot area | 1174 m² |
Number of buildings | 3 |
Terrain | Flat |
Road | Yes |
Land ownership | Own |
Planning situation | Detailed plan |
Municipality engineering | Water, Sewer, Electricity |
Electricity | 0 € / year (0 ден) |
Property tax | 200 € / year (12.295,74 ден) |
Water | 0 € / month (0 ден) |
Purchase costs
Transfer tax | 3 % |
Other costs | 150 € (9.222 ден.) (Estimate) |
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