Izvēlne Izvēlne

Meklēt pēc atsauces numura

Daudzdzīvokļu māja, Merseburger Straße 73 D

06112 Halle (Saale)

Alte Malzfabrik Halle

The Alte Malzfabrik combines the historical features of a listed building with contemporary living comfort: solid wood parquet flooring, underfloor heating, plenty of light and room heights of 2.70 - 3.60 meters.

Anja Raneburger

Anja Raneburger

Licences aģents
Pārdošanas cena
368 600 €
Vannas istabas
Dzīvojamā platība
108.8 m²


Īpašuma numurs 662393
Pārdošanas cena 368 600 €
Istabas 4
Guļamistabas 1
Vannas istabas 1
Tualetes 1
Vannas istabas ar tualeti 1
Dzīvojamā platība 108.8 m²
Kopējā platība 114.9 m²
Citu telpu platība 6.1 m²
Dzīvojamo telpu apraksts Each apartment in the Alte Malzfabrik is unique, spacious and cleverly designed. Their individual advantages are complemented by the sheltered location on the enclosed grounds. Cars can be parked in the two underground garages belonging to the property, and there are also numerous outdoor parking spaces. The successful combination of listed building, attractive apartments and excellent location makes the Alte Malzfabrik a property whose value is likely to increase in the long term.
Platības apraksts The Alte Malzfabrik is a real stroke of luck as a home, not only because of its beautiful, modern apartments, but also because its immediate surroundings offer so many highlights. For example, the goods station that once adjoined the factory site was transformed into the lovingly designed Thüringer Bahnhof park in 1991. The view from the Alte Malzfabrik and direct access to its green spaces. Perfect for spontaneous jogging laps or short trips with the children. Despite its green location, the Alte Malzfabrik is part of the central Lutherplatz/Thüringer Bahnhof district and offers typical urban local amenities. All stores for daily needs as well as doctors, daycare centers, elementary school, etc. are within walking distance. The residential area - especially around Lutherplatz - is characterized by buildings from the 1920s and 1930s, including a historic water tower that is still in operation today. And if you are drawn to the greenery or the water beyond the neighbouring park? Then the choice is yours. In 15 minutes by bike, you can be on the banks of the Saale via the harbor railway line - and even quicker at the beautiful Hufeisensee.
Mērījumi pārbaudīti
Mērījumi balstīti uz Īpašnieka sniegtā informācija
Stāvs 0
Dzīvojamie stāvi 3
Stāvoklis Jauns
Autostāvvieta Stāvvieta, Pagalma autostāvvieta
Atrodas pirmajā stāvā
Skati Pagalms, Pilsēta, Mežs
Noliktavas Iebūvēts skapis
Grīdas virsmas Parkets
Sienu apšuvuma materiāli Koksne
Vannas istabas apdares materiāli Flīzes
Virtuves aprīkojums Elektriskā plīts, Cepeškrāsns, Trauku mazgājamā mašīna
Vannas istabas aprīkojums Duša, Vanna, Grīdas apsilde, Tualetes sēdeklis, Dušas kabīne
Apraksts condominium

Informācija par ēku un īpašumu

Būvniecības gads 1882
Ekspluatācijas uzsākšanas gads 2012
Stāvi 3
Jumta veids Plakans jumts
Energo sertifikāta klase C, 2018
Koplietošanas telpas Autostāvvieta
Apgrūtinājumi The 200-metre-long building was constructed in 1882. The Alte Malzfabrik reliably supplied malt for over 70 years until production ceased in 1960 and the impressive building was only used as a warehouse. In 2012, the now listed building was given a new lease of life. Extensive modernization preserved its unique character and at the same time created future-oriented living space in this historic property. The building has 73 residential units and 1 part-ownership unit, all of which have either a balcony, loggia or terrace with a garden area. Almost all apartments are currently let.
Servitūti The Alte Malzfabrik combines the historical features of a listed building with contemporary living comfort: solid wood parquet flooring, underfloor heating, plenty of light and room heights of 2.70 - 3.60 meters. The bathrooms are modern and have level-access showers. Thanks to well thought-out planning and two elevators that run to the basement, most of the apartments are also barrier-free.
Reljefs Dzīvoklis
Īpašumtiesības uz zemes gabalu Pašu īpašums
Plānošanas situācija Nav plānojuma

Energo sertifikāta klase



Uzturēšana 426,32 € / mēnesis
Autostāvvieta 80 € / mēnesis

Pirkuma izmaksas

Notārs 1,5 %
Reģistrācijas nodoklis 0,2 %
Reģistrācijas nodoklis 0,5 %
Valsts nodeva 5 %

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