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Ieškoti pagal nuorodos numerį

Sklypas, Heinäperänlahdentie

97765 Impiö

Stunning Lakeside Property for Sale in Ranua!

**Stunning Lakeside Property for Sale in Ranua – On the Beautiful Eastern Shore of Lake Simojärvi!** This exceptional lakeside estate boasts a **sand and rocky shoreline**, inviting you to enjoy the **crystal-clear waters** and the **tranquil beauty of nature year-round**. The land has already undergone **site preparation**, making it easy to start building your dream retreat. Whether you envision a **250 m² vacation home** or a **350 m² permanent residence**, this property offers endless possibilities! **Lake Simojärvi** is one of the largest and most beautiful lakes in **Lapland**, located in **Ranua, Southern Lapland**. It is renowned for its **pristine waters, breathtaking landscapes, and excellent opportunities** for outdoor activities, relaxation, and, of course, **fishing**. Spanning approximately **40 km in length**, Lake Simojärvi offers an abundance of opportunities for **berry picking, mushroom foraging, and hiking**. The surrounding areas also provide **vast hunting and fishing grounds**, making it a true paradise for outdoor enthusiasts. Anglers can expect to catch **pike, perch, whitefish, and trout** in these rich waters. Additionally, the **neighboring property is also for sale**, giving you a **rare chance to acquire the entire peninsula**—ensuring **absolute privacy** and **panoramic lake views in every direction**! **Don’t miss this unique opportunity—come and experience the beauty of Lake Simojärvi for yourself!**

Sari Mäntyranta

English Finnish
Nekilnojamojo turto agentas
Habita Rovaniemi
Suomijos nekilnojamojo turto kvalifikacija

Sklypo informacija

Sąrašo numeris 665037
Pardavimo kaina 49 000 €
Nuosavybės nuorodos numeris 683-403-1-63
Nuosavybės suvaržymai 40 000 €
Sklypo plotas 2100 m²
Teritorija Lygus
Vandens zona Nuosava pakrantė / paplūdimys
Pakrantė 95 m
Kelias Taip
Žemės nuosavybė Nuosava
Planavimo situacija Bendrasis planas
Užstatymo teisė 250 m²


Nuosavybės mokestis 28,26 € / mėnuo

Pirkimo išlaidos

Perdavimo mokestis 3 %
Registracijos mokesčiai 172 €
Notaras 138 €

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  2. Mūsų atstovas nedelsdamas susisieks su jumis ir susitars dėl susitikimo.

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