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Sklypas, Penina, Lote 96

8500-087 Alvor

Lote for Sale on Alvor Penina Golf Resort

This plot is located in the parish of Alvor in the Penina Hotel & Golf Resort. The total land area is 2390 sqm with a large building implantation area of 312.17 sqm. The gross construction area is 444.77 sqm and the gross dependent area is 97.60 sqm. This is an excellent opportunity to purchase land to design and build your very own dream villa, with swimming pool and landscaped gardens, in a popular destination in the heart of the Algarve. The plot has fantastic solar exposure bathed in the afternoon sun.

Rui Neves

Rui Neves

English Portuguese French
Nekilnojamojo turto agentas
Habita Algarve
Mia Heinonen

Mia Heinonen

English Finnish Portuguese
Pardavimo direktorius
Habita Algarve

Sklypo informacija

Sąrašo numeris 650141
Pardavimo kaina 295 000 €
Sklypo plotas 2390 m²
Teritorija Lygus
Kelias Taip
Žemės nuosavybė Nuosava
Planavimo situacija Bendrasis planas
Užstatymo teisė 444.8 m²
Savivaldybės inžineriniai tinklai Vanduo, Kanalizacija
Aprašas This is an excellent opportunity to purchase a piece of land in a sought after area with building rights to design and build your own dream villa with a private swimming pool.
Papildoma informacija Close to the banks of the River Arade and Alvor Aerodrome. When you build your villa on this site, you can also take advantage of golfing privileges from Penina Resort.


Golfo aikštė Penina Golf Resort
Prekybos centras 5 km  
Ligoninė 5 km  
Restoranas 0.5 km  
Paplūdimys 5 km  
Mokykla 2 km  


Jokių mokesčių.

Pirkimo išlaidos

Mokesčiai 0,8 %
Stamp Duty Tax (Imposto de Selo)
Notaras 500 € (Sąmata)
Registracijos mokesčiai 250 € (Sąmata)
Perdavimo mokestis 19 467 € (Sąmata)
Property Transfer Tax (IMT)

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