Laisvalaikio rezidencija, Dominicus Bayahibe
23000 Bayahíbe
The land is made up as follows: - One part, for a total of 150 thousand m2, directly facing the sea with 300 linear meters of beach. - Adjacent to the South with the Caribbean Sea, to the North with the highway, to the East with the Cadaques project and to the West with the Aqua Esmeralda project. - A second part of around 850 thousand m2. to the South is the highway, to the North the National Park, to the East National Park and to the West another piece of land.
Sklypo informacija
Sąrašo numeris | 650048 |
Pardavimo kaina | 75 000 000 USD (71 670 300 €) |
Atsilaisvina nuo |
Pagal sutartį
Beach land for resort in Dominicus bayahibe |
Sklypo plotas | 1000000 m² |
Teritorija | Lygus |
Vandens zona | Nuosava pakrantė / paplūdimys |
Kelias | Taip |
Žemės nuosavybė | Nuosava |
Planavimo situacija | Bendrasis planas |
Savivaldybės inžineriniai tinklai | Vanduo, Kanalizacija, Elektra, Dujos |
Pirkimo išlaidos
Perdavimo mokestis | 3 % |
Notaras | 1,5 % (Sąmata) |
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