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Nekilnojamojo turto agentas

Ronda Koljonen

English Finnish

Suomijos nekilnojamojo turto kvalifikacija

+358 50 4200114

Habita Ullanlinna

Korkeavuorenkatu 3
00140 Helsinki Etelä-Helsingin Habita Oy, Habita Ullanlinna
010 585 5800
Įmonės ID: 1527633-3

Ronda Koljonen

Real estate is not just a profession, but a passion and lifestyle for me. My ambition is to assist clients in discovering their perfect home or maximizing the value of their property, combining my design expertise with a keen understanding of the market. It is my personal commitment to deliver a seamless tailor-made real estate transaction to ensure complete client satisfaction. Let’s work together to turn your home dreams into dream homes!”

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