Beli properti di Albania
Tim kami yang berdedikasi akan membantu Anda menemukan properti atau investasi real estat yang tepat di Albania, Beli properti di Albania dan nikmati hari-hari cerah di Mediterania.
Beli apartemen di Tirana, Vlora, Saranda Durres
Kami memiliki berbagai apartemen di Albania
Berinvestasi di Albania
Ada banyak peluang untuk berinvestasi di properti real estat di Albania. Periksa portofolio properti kami dan kirimkan permintaan kepada kami.
Properti Liburan dan Musim Panas
Kami memiliki apartemen yang sempurna untuk dibeli atau disewa. Hubungi kami untuk permintaan apa pun yang mungkin Anda miliki.
Latest properties in Albania
Offices in Albania
Habita Tirana
Habita Tirana
Habita Vlore
Habita Vlore
Service fees
When we sign a representation contract with you, we take care of everything from start to finish. You do not need to worry about remembering things, this is our everyday work and we have done this for decades. Our fee structure is completely transparent and we have no hidden fees. As an example, we charge official papers without any added processing costs.
Brokerage commissions
Brokerage commission seller, property | 3% |
Brokerage commission buyer, property | 1% |
The fee is calculated from the debt-free price. Legal document costs will be charged separately.