Menyja Menyja

Kërko sipas numrit të referencës

Vilë, Dzintaru prospekts

2015 Jurmala

We offer for sale Villa in Jurmala, in Dzintari

The spacious villa consists of 14 rooms, 7 bathrooms. Around the house there is a well-kept, fenced plot of land with an area of 1705 m2. The total area of the villa is 730 m2. The house has a good layout, commissioned in 2007. In the basement there is a swimming pool, a sauna, and a large recreation room. On the 1st floor there is a living room with a fireplace, a kitchen, a dining room, on the 2nd floor there are bedrooms/guest rooms, on the 3rd there is a large recreation room with a library, billiards, and recreation areas.

Ligita Tetere

English Russian Latvian
Drejtor menaxhues
Habita Riga
Agjent i Pronave të patunshme, i liçensuar nga Habita
Çmimi i shitjes
899 000 €
Dhoma gjumi
Sipërfaqja e banimit
700 m²

Detajet bazë

Numri i listimit 655674
Çmimi i shitjes 899 000 €
Dhoma 14
Dhoma gjumi 6
Banja 7
Sipërfaqja e banimit 700 m²
Sipërfaqja totale 730 m²
Sipërfaqja e hapësirave të tjera 30 m²
Përshkrimi i hapësirave të jetesës / ditës We offer for sale Villa in Jurmala, located in the Dzintari area, on the first coastline from the sea! The spacious villa consists of 14 rooms, 7 bathrooms. Around the house there is a well-kept, fenced plot of land with an area of 1705 m2. The total area of the villa is 730 m2. The house has a good layout, commissioned in 2007. In the basement there is a swimming pool, a sauna, and a large recreation room. On the 1st floor there is a living room with a fireplace, a kitchen, a dining room, on the 2nd floor there are bedrooms/guest rooms, on the 3rd there is a large recreation room with a library, billiards, and recreation areas. There is a summer covered veranda attached to the house, where there is an open stove for cooking. The layout allows you to use part of the house as a separate apartment - there is a place for cooking, a separate entrance. There is a garage for two cars. The house has an alarm system. There is a closed, well-groomed area around the house where you can hide from prying eyes. The villa is located in the most prestigious place in Jurmala, on the so-called Golden Mile between Bulduri and Dzintari, at a distance of only 110 meters from the sea! Special offer 900,000 Eur (1233 Eur/m2)
Matjet janë të verifikuara Jo
Matjet bazohen në Plani i ndërtimit
Kati 3
Kate banimi 1
Gjendja E kënaqshme
Parkim Hapësirë për parkim
Pamje Oborr i pasmë, Kopsht, Pyll, Det
Përshkrimi We offer for sale Villa in Jurmala, located in the Dzintari area, on the first coastline from the sea!
Informacion shtesë There is a summer covered veranda attached to the house, where there is an open stove for cooking. The layout allows you to use part of the house as a separate apartment - there is a place for cooking, a separate entrance. There is a garage for two cars. The house has an alarm system. There is a closed, well-groomed area around the house where you can hide from prying eyes. The villa is located in the most prestigious place in Jurmala, on the so-called Golden Mile between Bulduri and Dzintari, at a distance of only 110 meters from the sea! Special offer 900,000 Eur (1233 Eur/m2)

Detajet e ndërtesës dhe të pronës

Ndërtimi ka filluar 2005
Viti i ndërtimit 2007
Përurimi 2007
Kate 3
Ashensor Jo
Klasi i certifikatës së energjisë A , 2007
Terreni I sheshtë
Vijë bregdetare 110 m
Rrugë Po
Pronësi toke Zotëron
Situata e planeve të zhvillimit Plan i Përgjithshëm

Klasi i certifikatës së energjisë



Nuk ka tarifa.

Kostot e blerjes

Taksat 2 %
Tarifat e regjistrimit 200 €
Tarifat e regjistrimit 30 €

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  2. Përfaqësuesi ynë do t'ju kontaktojë pa vonesë dhe do të organizojë një takim.

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