Земельна ділянка, 37 Main Motor Road, Off Waterside Road, Wilberforce, Freetown.
It's a 3484.8 sqft flat Lot suitable for residential and commercial buildings, as it has inviting views with the accessibility of electricity and water. This friendly topography Lot is exceptionally closed to all services.
Деталі земельної ділянки
Номер позиції | 644178 |
Ціна | 45 000 USD (43 002 EUR) |
Вакансія від | Згідно з контрактом |
Територія ділянки | 323.7 м² |
Місцевість | Квартира |
Дорога | Так |
Земельна власність | Власний |
Планувальна ситуація |
Генеральний план
It's a 3484.8 sqft flat Lot suitable for residential buildings as it has inviting sees with the accessibility of electricity, water and exceptionally closed to all services. |
Комунальні послуги |
Водопостачання, Електрика There's a compelling and useful Municipality designing that includes indicating, planning, and keeping up roads, water supply systems, and solid waste management and disposal. |
Опис | Lot for Sale |
Школа |
0.3 км, There are great schools within proximity that deliver broad-based and practical educational programs with subject matter chosen not as it were for its pertinence to higher instruction and employments, but moreover for family and community enrollment and individual improvement. |
Ресторан |
0.2 км, Excellent restaurants and kitchens within proximity dedicated to serving the best food of your choice. |
Торговий центр | 1.3 км |
Лікарня |
0.6 км, Closer to 34 Military Hospital. |
пляж |
2.7 км, Access the Lumley and Aberdeen beaches as they are within proximity. |
Доступ громадського транспорту
Автобус |
0.2 км, catch up the bus in a minute. |
Паром |
2.6 км, Access Seacoach Pelican Water Taxi |
Аеропорт | 17.7 км |
Податок на нерухомість |
500 $ / рік (477,8 €)
This fee is paid yearly to Freetown City Council. |
Витрати на придбання
Нотаріус |
5 %
This cost will cover others like Lawyer, Notary, Tax, etc. as needful. |
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