Мени Мени

Претрага по позивном броју

Стамбени блок, 267/65, 4Fl, Pratamnak Soi 4, Moo 12, Nongprue, Banglamung, Chonburi,

20150 Pattaya, Bang Lamung

Quick sale, beautiful room fully furnished, rea...

Beautiful, fully furnished rooms, ready to enter, murals in the bedroom and kitchen have a living room and living area on the 4th floor of Siam Oriental Garden 1, In addition, Mount Pratumnak is the most popular because here there are many interesting sights, surrounded by lush greenery, the cleanest beach, no people and a lot of transport busy streets. Nestled close to the coast compared to Jomtien Beach and Central Pattaya, Pratumnak Hill also features a yacht club, golf club, princess residence, and the resort's three main attractions: the observation deck, the Great Temple of China, a 15-minute walk and an uphill walk to Bali Hai Pier and The pedestrian street takes half an hour. On the way to the Golden Buddha, you can visit a cozy garden with Chinese statues, temples, a place where there are not so many people, there are many statues and two ponds where small carps live. At the foot of the opposite side of the temple, the ascent to another popular attraction is the main observation point and the observation deck. The highest view of Pattaya. Pratumnak is a quiet, clean and shady place in Pattaya. There are no discos and clubs, but you can still get to the pedestrian streets quickly. Meanwhile, Pratumnak has everything you need for life: beaches, restaurants, supermarkets. Market, massage parlor, spa and much more

Продајна цијена
2.150.000 THB (60.710 €)
Спаваће собе
Настањено подручје
33.5 м²

Основни детаљи

Број објаве 664657
Продајна цијена 2.150.000 THB (60.710 €)
Собе 1
Спаваће собе 1
Купатила 1
Настањено подручје 33.5 м²
Укупна површина 35 м²
Површина осталих простора 1.5 м²
Опис стамбених јединица Siam Oriental Garden 1, Wall painting in the bedroom and in the kitchen of the living room has a yacht club, Golf club, Princess residence and three main attractions of the resort – the Observation deck, big Buddha, Chinese temple. They can be reached on foot in 15 minutes. And half an hour – up to Bali Hai pier and Walking Street.
Опис осталих простора Pratamnak district is considered one of the most prestigious and expensive areas located in the southern part of Pattaya. It has a good location, between Central Pattaya and Jomtien, and therefore you can quickly get from here to both places.
Опис подручја Pratamnak hill is the most popular, because it is here that we can find an abundance of places of interest, surrounded by greenery, the cleanest beaches, the absence of an insane number of people and transport, a busy road, close to the coast, compared to Jomtien and the Central part of Pattaya. Pratamnak also has a yacht club, Golf club, Princess residence and three main attractions of the resort – the Observation deck, big Buddha, Chinese temple. They can be reached on foot in 15 minutes. And half an hour – up to Bali Hai pier and Walking Street. On the way to the Golden Buddha statue, you can visit a cozy garden with Chinese statues, a temple. A sparsely populated place with an abundance of statues and two ponds inhabited by small carp. At the foot of the hill on the opposite side of Pratamnak begins the ascent to another popular attraction – the main observation deck and the highest point of Pattaya-view point. Pratamnak is a relatively calm, quiet, clean and green place in Pattaya without discos and clubs, but you can still quickly get to Walking Street. At the same time, Pratamnak has absolutely everything you need for life, beaches, restaurants, supermarkets, markets, massage salon, spa and much more.
Мјере потврђене Да
Мјере се темеље на Катастарски лист
Спрат 4
Стамбене етаже 1
Стање Dobro
Слободно од 1. 2. 2025.
February 1st, 2025
Паркинг простор Паркинг мјесто, Дворишни паркинг, Наткривени паркинг, Гаража, Паркинг гаража, Улични паркинг
Стамбена јединица за одмор Да
Карактеристике Намјештено, Климатизација, Безбједносни систем
Простори Чајна кухиња
Базен (Југоисток)
Погледи Двориште, Врт, Улица, Град, Планине, Море, Природа, Базен, Парк
Складиште Гардеробер
Телекомуникације ТВ, Дигитални интернет, Интернет, Кабловски интернет
Подне површине Плочица, Керамичке плочице
Зидне повшине Бетон, Боја
Купатилске површине Плочица, Керамичка плочица
Опрема за кухињу Фрижидер, Ормарићи, Кухињска напа, Микроталасна пећница, Прикључак машине за прање веша
Опрема за купатило Простор за веш машину, WC шоља, Бојлер
Опрема помоћних просторија Прикључак за машину за веш
Инспекције Процјена стања (1. 1. 2025.)
Опис Beautiful, fully furnished room with mural entry in the bedroom and kitchen with living room and living area on the 4th floor of Siam Oriental Garden.

Детаљи о згради и некретнини

Година изградње 2012
Свечано отварање 2012
Спратови 4
Лифт Да
Тип крова Равни кров
Вентилација Природна вентилација
Темељ Бетон
Класа енергетског сертификата A , 2013
Гријање Централно гријање воде, Гријање топлим ваздухом
Грађевински материјал Бетон
Материјали за кровове Шиндре
Материјал за фасаду Бетон, Плочица, Бетонски елемент
Заједничке просторије Складиште опреме, Остава, Техничка соба, Складиште за бицикла, Шупа за смеће, Предворје, Базен, Паркинг дворана, Ресторан, Вешерај
Референтни број некретнине 5502-9460
Менаџер Amrint
Контакт информације менаџера 0895165591
Одржавање no
Број паркинг места 40
Број зграда 1
Терен Равно
Пут Да
Власништво над земљом Издавање
Планска ситуација Генерални план
Комунална инфраструктура Вода, Канализација, Електрична енергија, Гријање на градској топлани


Плажа 0.5 км, Pratamnak hill is the most popular, because it is here that we can find an abundance of places of interest, surrounded by greenery, the cleanest beaches, the absence of an insane number of people and transport, a busy road, close to the coast, compared to Jomtien and the Central part of Pattaya. Pratamnak also has a yacht club, Golf club, Princess residence and three main attractions of the resort – the Observation deck, big Buddha, Chinese temple. They can be reached on foot in 15 minutes. And half an hour – up to Bali Hai pier and Walking Street. On the way to the Golden Buddha statue, you can visit a cozy garden with Chinese statues, a temple. A sparsely populated place with an abundance of statues and two ponds inhabited by small carp. At the foot of the hill on the opposite side of Pratamnak begins the ascent to another popular attraction – the main observation deck and the highest point of Pattaya-view point. Pratamnak is a relatively calm, quiet, clean and green place in Pattaya without discos and clubs, but you can still quickly get to Walking Street. At the same time, Pratamnak has absolutely everything you need for life, beaches, restaurants, supermarkets, markets, massage salon, spa and much more.

Приступ јавном превозу

Аутобус 0.5 км  


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Трошкови куповине

Порез на пренос 2 % (Процјена)
The actual expenses on the day of transfer of ownership and other expenses that the Land Department will pay are split equally between the buyer and seller..

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