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Tikkurilantie 146

Warehouse and office property in a prominent location in Viinikkala, Vantaa, at Tikkurilantie 146. The site has good connections to Ring Road III and other main roads. The building is surrounded by extensive courtyards and ample parking. Helsinki-Vantaa Airport and Jumbo Shopping Center are both about 5 minutes ’drive away. The property mainly has storage and office space. There is an internal connection from the office premises to the storage premises and there is also a freight elevator connection between the floors. The property was built in 1985. The property has been well maintained and the premises have been adapted to the needs of the companies. The property's energy saving project and the facade facelift project were completed during 2018.

Proje ref. 386
Konum Tikkurilantie 146, 01530 Vantaa, Viinikkala

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