Izbornik Izbornik

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Turunlinnantie 12

The property is a five-storey office and retail building completed in 1985. The facade of the building faces the Tallinnanaukio Square. Some of the retail spaces are located in Turunlinnantie 12. The retail space on the Tallinnanaukio side is a prime Itäkeskus location. The property has two staircases. The main staircase opens to Tallinnanaukio. The staircase is equipped with both a passenger lift and a goods lift, which run between the basement level and the 3rd floor. The retail units of the property are located in the street level floors on Tallinnanaukio and Turunlinnantie. Floors 1–3 include office space divided into units of different size, with each floor level of approximately 1,000m². The property's conference and sauna facilities are located on the top floor. The property is owned by Sponda.

Referentni broj projekta 350
Lokacija Turunlinnantie 12, 00930 Helsinki, Itäkeskus

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