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Претрага по позивном броју

Стамбени блок, Avenida Jamaica, Bavaro

23301 Bavaro, La Altagracia, Bavaro Punta Cana

Modern Condo Renovated New

Welcome to your dream coastal retreat! Santa María Del Mar. This stunning 1-bedroom, 2-bathroom condo offers 850 square feet of luxurious living space, exquisitely renovated to perfection with modern fixtures and appliances. Nestled just two blocks away from the pristine shores of Bávaro Beach in the enchanting Punta Cana, this condo is a true oasis of comfort and relaxation. Step inside and be captivated by the seamless blend of style and functionality, featuring a spacious open-concept design that creates a warm and inviting ambiance.

Fabio Zonta

English Spanish Italian
Представник продаје
Habita Punta Cana
Продајна цијена
179.000 US$ (170.761 €)
Спаваће собе
Настањено подручје
71 м²

Основни детаљи

Број објаве 657517
Продајна цијена 179.000 US$ (170.761 €)
Собе 2
Спаваће собе 1
Купатила 2
Тоалети 2
Купатила са тоалетом 2
Настањено подручје 71 м²
Површина осталих простора 71 м²
Опис стамбених јединица Welcome to your dream coastal retreat! Santa María Del Mar. This stunning 1-bedroom, 2-bathroom condo offers 850 square feet of luxurious living space, exquisitely renovated to perfection with modern fixtures and appliances. Nestled just two blocks away from the pristine shores of Bávaro Beach in the enchanting Punta Cana, this condo is a true oasis of comfort and relaxation. Step inside and be captivated by the seamless blend of style and functionality, featuring a spacious open-concept design that creates a warm and inviting ambiance. The fully renovated kitchen is a chef's delight, boasting all-new appliances and sleek countertops, making meal preparation an absolute joy. The airy living area provides the perfect space for relaxation and entertaining, while large windows invite abundant natural light, enhancing the coastal charm. The tranquil bedroom offers a private sanctuary with an en-suite bathroom, adorned with contemporary finishes that evoke a spa-like atmosphere. A second bathroom ensures convenience and privacy for you and your guests. Beyond the comforts of your home, the location of this condo is truly unbeatable. Situated in the heart of Los Corales, you'll find yourself surrounded by a wealth of amenities, including banks, supermarkets, money exchange centers, vibrant nightlife, bars, pharmacies, and much more. Whether you seek a serene morning stroll along the nearby beach or a lively evening exploring the bustling neighbourhood, this condo offers the best of both worlds. Don't miss this opportunity to experience the essence of coastal living in the sought-after destination of Punta Cana. Come and make this splendid condo your own, where beachside paradise meets modern elegance. Your dream coastal lifestyle awaits!
Опис осталих простора Welcome to your dream coastal retreat! Santa María Del Mar. This stunning 1-bedroom, 2-bathroom condo offers 850 square feet of luxurious living space, exquisitely renovated to perfection with modern fixtures and appliances. Nestled just two blocks away from the pristine shores of Bávaro Beach in the enchanting Punta Cana, this condo is a true oasis of comfort and relaxation. Step inside and be captivated by the seamless blend of style and functionality, featuring a spacious open-concept design that creates a warm and inviting ambiance. The fully renovated kitchen is a chef's delight, boasting all-new appliances and sleek countertops, making meal preparation an absolute joy. The airy living area provides the perfect space for relaxation and entertaining, while large windows invite abundant natural light, enhancing the coastal charm. The tranquil bedroom offers a private sanctuary with an en-suite bathroom, adorned with contemporary finishes that evoke a spa-like atmosphere. A second bathroom ensures convenience and privacy for you and your guests. Beyond the comforts of your home, the location of this condo is truly unbeatable. Situated in the heart of Los Corales, you'll find yourself surrounded by a wealth of amenities, including banks, supermarkets, money exchange centers, vibrant nightlife, bars, pharmacies, and much more. Whether you seek a serene morning stroll along the nearby beach or a lively evening exploring the bustling neighborhood, this condo offers the best of both worlds. Don't miss this opportunity to experience the essence of coastal living in the sought-after destination of Punta Cana. Come and make this splendid condo your own, where beachside paradise meets modern elegance. Your dream coastal lifestyle awaits!
Опис подручја Welcome to your dream coastal retreat! Santa María Del Mar. This stunning 1-bedroom, 2-bathroom condo offers 850 square feet of luxurious living space, exquisitely renovated to perfection with modern fixtures and appliances. Nestled just two blocks away from the pristine shores of Bávaro Beach in the enchanting Punta Cana, this condo is a true oasis of comfort and relaxation. Step inside and be captivated by the seamless blend of style and functionality, featuring a spacious open-concept design that creates a warm and inviting ambiance. The fully renovated kitchen is a chef's delight, boasting all-new appliances and sleek countertops, making meal preparation an absolute joy. The airy living area provides the perfect space for relaxation and entertaining, while large windows invite abundant natural light, enhancing the coastal charm. The tranquil bedroom offers a private sanctuary with an en-suite bathroom, adorned with contemporary finishes that evoke a spa-like atmosphere. A second bathroom ensures convenience and privacy for you and your guests. Beyond the comforts of your home, the location of this condo is truly unbeatable. Situated in the heart of Los Corales, you'll find yourself surrounded by a wealth of amenities, including banks, supermarkets, money exchange centers, vibrant nightlife, bars, pharmacies, and much more. Whether you seek a serene morning stroll along the nearby beach or a lively evening exploring the bustling neighborhood, this condo offers the best of both worlds. Don't miss this opportunity to experience the essence of coastal living in the sought-after destination of Punta Cana. Come and make this splendid condo your own, where beachside paradise meets modern elegance. Your dream coastal lifestyle awaits!
Мјере потврђене Да
Мјере се темеље на Катастарски лист
Спрат 1
Стамбене етаже 1
Стање Dobro
Паркинг простор Паркинг мјесто, Дворишни паркинг, Паркинг са утичницом, Улични паркинг
Налази се на приземљу Да
Карактеристике Намјештено, Климатизација
Погледи Двориште, Унутрашње двориште, Приватно двориште, Врт, Сусједство, Улица, Базен
Складиште Кабинет, Гардеробер, Уградни ормар, Ормар/ормари
Телекомуникације ТВ, Интернет, Интернет са оптичким каблом
Подне површине Плочица, Керамичке плочице, Мермер, Бетон
Зидне повшине Дрво, Керамичка плочица, Бетон
Купатилске површине Плочица, Керамичка плочица, Мермер
Опрема за кухињу Електрични шпорет, Керамички шпорет, Фрижидер, Ормарићи, Кухињска напа, Машина за прање веша, Прикључак машине за прање веша
Опрема за купатило Туш, Машина за веш
Опрема помоћних просторија Машина за веш

Детаљи о згради и некретнини

Изградња је почела 2001
Година изградње 2008
Свечано отварање 2010
Спратови 1
Лифт Не
Тип крова Равни кров
Вентилација Механичка вентилација
Темељ Бетон
Класа енергетског сертификата Нема енергетски сертификат
Грађевински материјал Дрво, Цигла, Бетон, Камен
Материјали за кровове Бетонска плочица, Шиндре
Материјал за фасаду Бетон, Плочица, Дрво, Бетонски елемент, Камен, Стакло
Заједничке просторије Базен
Терен Равно
Пут Да
Власништво над земљом Посједовати
Планска ситуација Нема плана
Права градње 71 м²
Комунална инфраструктура Вода, Канализација, Електрична енергија, Гас


Одржавање 100 $ / мјесец (95,4 €)

Трошкови куповине

Порез на пренос 3 %

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