Мени Мени

Претрага по позивном броју

Стамбени блок, Urb. Playa chiquita, 5700, Urb. Playa chiquita, 57000

57000 Sosúa

Alluring Beach Condos

These newly constructed Condo/Apartments are located in a beautiful gated community, just a few minutes' walk from the beach. They offer 3 Bedrooms and 2 Bathrooms a d 2 Bedrooms units with modern finishes, a pool, and a jacuzzi, elevator, and other amenities. This new construction complex offers privacy and is designed to provide the highest living standards, with a functional, modern design, located in the exclusive area of Sosua, just a few minutes from shopping centers, such as the contemporary Super Pola, restaurants, pharmacies, a modern medical center, schools, social clubs, and gyms.

Продајна цијена
225.000 US$ (214.815 €)
Спаваће собе
Настањено подручје
100 м²

Основни детаљи

Број објаве 644349
Новоградња Да
Продајна цијена 225.000 US$ (214.815 €)
Собе 3
Спаваће собе 3
Купатила 2
Тоалети 2
Купатила са тоалетом 2
Купатило без тоалета 2
Настањено подручје 100 м²
Површина осталих простора 100 м²
Опис стамбених јединица These newly constructed Condo/Apartments are located in a beautiful gated community, just a few minutes walk from the beach. They offer 3 Bedrooms and 2 Bathrooms a d 2 Bedrooms units with modern finishes, a pool, and a jacuzzi, elevator, and other amenities. This new construction complex offers privacy and is designed to provide the highest standards of living, with a functional, modern design. Located in the exclusive area of Sosua, just a few minutes from shopping centers, such as the modern Super Pola, restaurants, pharmacies, a modern medical center, schools, social clubs, and gyms. This is a great opportunity to own a vacation home, providing all the services and facilities required to live or vacation in the growing coastal city of Sosua.
Опис осталих простора These newly constructed Condo/Apartments are located in a beautiful gated community, just a few minutes walk from the beach. They offer 3 Bedrooms and 2 Bathrooms a d 2 Bedrooms units with modern finishes, a pool, and a jacuzzi, elevator, and other amenities. This new construction complex offers privacy and is designed to provide the highest standards of living, with a functional, modern design. Located in the exclusive area of Sosua, just a few minutes from shopping centers, such as the modern Super Pola, restaurants, pharmacies, a modern medical center, schools, social clubs, and gyms. This is a great opportunity to own a vacation home, providing all the services and facilities required to live or vacation in the growing coastal city of Sosua.
Опис подручја These newly constructed Condo/Apartments are located in a beautiful gated community, just a few minutes walk from the beach. They offer 3 Bedrooms and 2 Bathrooms a d 2 Bedrooms units with modern finishes, a pool, and a jacuzzi, elevator, and other amenities. This new construction complex offers privacy and is designed to provide the highest standards of living, with a functional, modern design. Located in the exclusive area of Sosua, just a few minutes from shopping centers, such as the modern Super Pola, restaurants, pharmacies, a modern medical center, schools, social clubs, and gyms. This is a great opportunity to own a vacation home, providing all the services and facilities required to live or vacation in the growing coastal city of Sosua.
Мјере потврђене Не
Мјере се темеље на Статут
Спрат 1
Стамбене етаже 1
Стање Novi
Слободно од 27. 7. 2022.
Alluring Beach Condos
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Подне површине Бетон
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Купатилске површине Бетон
Опрема за кухињу Шпорет на гас, Фрижидер, Фрижидер замрзивач, Микроталасна пећница, Машина за прање веша
Опрема за купатило Туш, Ђакузи
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Опис Alluring Beach Condos
Додатне информације Alluring Beach Condos

Детаљи о згради и некретнини

Година изградње 2022
Свечано отварање 2022
Спратови 2
Лифт Не
Класа енергетског сертификата A
Грађевински материјал Цигла, Бетон
Материјал за фасаду Бетонски елемент
Заједничке просторије Базен, Тераса на крову
Терен Равно
Пут Да
Власништво над земљом Посједовати
Планска ситуација Детаљан план
Комунална инфраструктура Вода, Канализација, Електрична енергија


Плажа 0 Kilometers from the beach
Шопинг центар 0 Kilometers from the Shopping Center
Ресторан 0 Kilometers from Restaurant

Приступ јавном превозу

Аутобус 0 Kilometers from Bus


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