Мени Мени

Претрага по позивном броју



Buy a propety in Finland

We are an international player in the real estate industry and have had a strong influence in Finland for more than 30 years. We are Finland's largest private real estate agent, and we have no ties to banks or insurance companies. We mainly act as intermediaries for residential and holiday homes as well as business premises and commercial properties. We care about holistic ownership rather than rental housing.

Invest in Finland

Our real estate agents will always help you. From Helsinki to Kittilä, you can find us in different places. Our service is uncomplicated and expert. We believe in our customers' personal service, accurate regional market information and modern tools and marketing channels. In our work, we effortlessly combine the latest technology and personal service. We mainly face our customers face to face whenever it is easiest. We also bring with you your most accurate information area on the value of homes. This is how the sale of your home moves forward. Ask the best expert in your area to let him determine the current value of your apartment or even your holiday home! At the same time, you will receive reliable information on how many potential buyers for your apartment can already be found in Habita's own customer register.

Because selling a home is the biggest deal of a lifetime for many of us, Habita is assisted by experienced and trained professionals. We have a strong, unified way of providing housing in Habitassao. This means to you that in addition to your own representative, every Habitat will market your home professionally ahead. With this, we guarantee you strong and effective sales procedures. You can be sure that things will move forward quickly and without worries! For us, habitalism always means common success.

Одвојене куће

Канцеларије у Finland

Habita Espoo

Habita Espoo

Keilaranta 1
02150 Espoo

Habita Finland

Habita Finland

Elimäenkatu 17-19
00510 Helsinki

Habita Helsinki

Habita Helsinki

Elimäenkatu 17-19
00510 Helsinki

Habita Hyvinkää

Habita Hyvinkää

Hämeenaukio 4
11100 Riihimäki

Habita Järvenpää

Habita Järvenpää

Tupalantie 2 A (Tornitalo)
04400 Järvenpää

Habita Joensuu

Habita Joensuu

Torikatu 29 A
y-tunnus 3445567-9
80100 Joensuu

Habita Jyväskylä

Habita Jyväskylä

Hannikaisenkatu 10
40100 Jyväskylä

Habita Kemi

Habita Kemi

Meripuistokatu 7
94100 Kemi

Habita Kotka

Habita Kotka

Keskuskatu 5
48100 Kotka

Habita Kouvola

Habita Kouvola

Kouvolankatu 22
45100 Kouvola

Habita Kuopio

Habita Kuopio

Ajurinkatu 20
70110 Kuopio

Habita Lahti

Habita Lahti

Mariankatu 12
y-tunnus 1610112-1
15110 Lahti

Habita Levi

Habita Levi

Skimbaajankuja 7 C4.1
99130 Sirkka

Habita Loviisa

Habita Loviisa

Kuningattarenkatu 16
07900 Loviisa

Habita Oulu

Habita Oulu

Kempeleentie 7 c 9
90400 Oulu

Habita Porvoo

Habita Porvoo

Lundinkatu 10
06100 Porvoo

Habita Raahe

Habita Raahe

Kirkkokatu 33
92100 Raahe

Habita Riihimäki

Habita Riihimäki

Hämeenaukio 4 lh 2
11100 Riihimäki

Habita Rovaniemi

Habita Rovaniemi

Koskikatu 14-16
96200 Rovaniemi

Habita Sipoo

Habita Sipoo

Iso Kylätie 23
04130 Sipoo

Habita Tampere

Habita Tampere

Martinpojankatu 4
33710 Tampere

Habita Tornio

Habita Tornio

Länsiranta 10 LH 1240
/ Kauppakeskus Rajalla I På Gränsen
95400 Tornio

Habita Turku

Habita Turku

Linnankatu 37
20100 Turku

Habita Ullanlinna

Habita Ullanlinna

Korkeavuorenkatu 3
00140 Helsinki

Habita Vaasa

Habita Vaasa

Kauppapuistikko 10
65100 Vaasa

Накнада за услуге

Када са Вама потпишемо уговор о заступању, водимо рачуна о свему од почетка до краја. Не морате да бринете о памћењу ствари, ово је наш свакодневни посао и то радимо деценијама. Наша структура накнада је потпуно транспарентна и немамо скривене накнаде. На примјер, наплаћујемо службене папире без додатних трошкова обраде.


Посредничка провизија

Посредничка накнада за продавца, некретнину 4,96 % (inc. VAT) min. 4.000 €. Outside the site plan 5.500 (inc. VAT).
Закључивање купопродајног уговора 390 €
Посредничка накнада за продавца, удио у стамбеној задрузи 4,26% (inc. VAT) min. 3.500 €

Остале накнаде

Писана процјена удјела у стамбеној задрузи From 744 € (inc VAT) + document fees
Писана процјена некрентине From 1.240 € (inc VAT) + document fees.
Кирија 1 month`s rent + VAT 24 %. Min 496 € (inc. VAT).

Накнада се обрачунава од цијене без дуга. Трошкови правног документа ће се посебно наплаћивати.