Мәзір Мәзір

Анықтама нөмірі бойынша іздеу

Сату менеджері

Tuula Hiljanen

English Finnish

Finnish Property Qualification

+358 50 4200009

Habita Ullanlinna

Korkeavuorenkatu 3
00140 Helsinki Etelä-Helsingin Habita Oy, Habita Ullanlinna
010 585 5800
Компания идентификаторы: 1527633-3

Tuula Hiljanen

You've probably heard the saying work is a way of life.

This happened to me almost 20 years ago, when my work started at Habita.

Before Habita, I was in the real estate business for a few years. For more than ten years, my work as a hardware store has helped me. There is also information on repairs.

A positive attitude in everyday life helps, things always get organized.

Let's keep in touch. Let's do a fair home sale.

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