Valikko Valikko

Etsi kohdenumeron perusteella

Omakotitalotontti, Messines, Vale de Trás

8375-029 Vale

Urban agro-livestock farm/S.B.Messines

Farm located in the "Barrocal" Algarve region area, in the S.B. de Messines, with easy and total accessibility(A2 motorway,2 km away)with, electricity and mains water. 12 hectares, including two urban plots of 750m2.A 500m2 urban plot where is located a ruin with great potential,to be rebuilt counting with 666m2 of possible gross construction area for housing with 11 divisions, and another urban land of 250m2, with another ruin with two divisions and allocation of warehouse / agricultural support house.Great potential for agricultural,livestock and rural tourism development.

Tontin tiedot

Kohdenumero 652825
Myyntihinta 699 950 €
Tontin pinta-ala 120000 m²
Maasto Loiva rinne
Tie Kyllä
Tontin omistajuus Oma
Kaavoitustilanne Yleiskaava
Rakennusoikeudet 915 m²
Liittymät Vesi, Sähkö
Kuvaus Farm with 12 hectares and two ruins
Lisätiedot Mains water, electricity, dam/well, waterwheel, solar panels, arable crop, olive trees, olive grove, carob trees, vineyard, irrigated arable crop


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  2. Välittäjämme ottaa sinuun yhteyttä viipymättä ja sovitaan aika asuntonäytölle.

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