Valikko Valikko

Etsi kohdenumeron perusteella

Vapaa-ajan tontti, Ocean front land for mansion in Cabarete

57000 Cabarete

Ocean Front land to build mansion in Cabarete

This piece of real estate is possibly the best ocean front building site in all the Caribbean as it is more than two acres of geographically interesting land located in a well-established and secure ocean front gated community. The exhilarating views of the Atlantic ocean and cool breezes are second to none. This very special oceanfront property is new to the market at Sea Horse Ranch. It is a must see for anyone considering investing in building

Tontin tiedot

Kohdenumero 648424
Myyntihinta 4 200 000 $ (3 892 203 €)
Vapautumispäivä Sopimuksen mukaan
Ocean Front land to build mansion in Cabarete
Tontin pinta-ala 8456 m²
Maasto Tasainen
Vesialue Oma ranta
Tie Kyllä
Tontin omistajuus Oma
Kaavoitustilanne Yleiskaava
Liittymät Vesi, Sähkö, Kaasu


Lentokenttä 15 km  


Ei maksuja.

Kaupan laillistamiskustannukset

Varainsiirtovero 3 %
Notaarikulut 1,5 % (Arvio)

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