Izbornik Izbornik

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Kittiläntie 4810

97310 Patokoski

Riverbank property for tourism use

An amazing opportunity awaits a developer by the banks of the Ounasjoki River. The old school building has already been partially renovated; here you can remodel it into hotel and restaurant services, and plans are already prepared for your use if desired. According to preliminary discussions, the riverside property can accommodate 1,000 m² of lodging capacity, and with a zoning change application, even more can be added. The package also includes a row house on a rented plot next to the school, consisting of three buildings. Henri Tuomi 0504200787 henri.tuomi@habita.com

Henri Tuomi

English Finnish
Voditelj prodaje
Habita Rovaniemi
Finska kvalifikacija za promet nekretninama

Osnovni detalji

Broj objave 661943
Prodajna cijena 440.000 € (3.374.963 kn)
Vrste Restoran, Smještaj
Kat 1
Katovi poslovnog prostora 3
Ukupna površina 1234 m²
Mjere provjerene Ne
Izvor mjera Informacije koje daje vlasnik
Stanje Potrebna obnova
Slobodno od Prema ugovoru
Svojstva Snaga struje, Voda iz slavine u prostorijama, Rubna zona utovara
Ispitivanje azbesta Zgrada je izgrađena prije 1994. godine i ispitivanje azbesta nije provedeno.
Dodatne informacije You can find more detailed information about the leasehold at Habita's website at: https://www.habita.com/kohde/661060

Podaci o zgradi i nekretnini

Godina izgradnje 1949
Početak uporabe 1949
Katovi / etaže 3
Dizalo Ne
Vrsta krovišta Krov sa zabatom
Ventilacija Prirodna ventilacija
Razred energetskog certifikata Zakonski nije potrebno energetsko certificiranje
Grijanje Centralno grijanje vode, Grijanje na drvo i pelete, Radijator
Građevinski materijali Beton
Krovni materijal Lim
Obnove Ostalo 2018 (Gotovo), NS. 'OWNER’S FLAT' 2nd floor - two apartments combined into approximately 120 m² - walls have been prepared and leveled - electrical wiring has been renewed - built 2 x WC + shower area.
Dvorište 2018 (Gotovo), RIVER PARK - A 5,000 m² park area cleared to the south side of the school by the banks of the Ounasjoki - grass planting.
Ostalo 2018 (Gotovo), RENOVATIONS 1st floor / WC + BR - room layout changed - new WC facilities + shower, tiling - bedroom modification, parquet flooring, electrical work.
Ostalo 2018 (Gotovo), RENOVATIONS 1st floor / MAINTENANCE ROOM - converted former wardrobe into a maintenance room - provisions for a washing machine and water point - tiling.
Ostalo 2018 (Gotovo), RENOVATED ROOM 1st floor - room layout changed - WC moved to the other side
Cjevovodi 2018 (Gotovo), PIPE RENOVATIONS - Old HVAC lines removed at both ends of the school - replaced with renovated hot and cold water lines according to current standards + sewer updated to current standards - during the pipe renovation, floor structures and fiber-reinforced concrete floors have been renewed.
Zajedničke prostorije 2016 (Gotovo), LOBBY 1st floor - ceiling structure of the lobby is ready for finishing - new electrical supplies, chases in the walls.
Dvorište 2012 (Gotovo)
Telekomunikacije 2012 (Gotovo), FIBER NETWORK CONNECTION - the so-called broadband has been installed - readiness for the installation of the internal network.
Grijanje 2006 (Gotovo), The so-called wooden ceiling was converted into a pellet boiler with a pellet burner rated at 140 kW - the oil tank was removed and replaced with a pellet silo - new oil tanks (2 units) were placed in the silo area (backup heating) - construction of necessary walls for the space - furnishing the so-called caretaker's room.
Ostalo 2006 (Gotovo)
Prozori 2000 (Gotovo), The windows in the school have been renewed (Fenestra thermal windows) before 2005.
Referentni broj nekretnine 698-408-10-16, 698-408-10-44,698-408-10-4
Tereti 604.600 € (4.637.505,7 kn)
4 units of electrical connections will be transferred to the buyer free of debt. The buyer is responsible for the transfer costs.
Površina zemljišta 54000 m²
Broj zgrada 5
Zemljište Ravna konfiguracija
Voden površina Vlastita obala / plaža
Obala 295 m
Cesta Da
Vlasništvo zemlje Vlastito
Planiranje Detaljan plan
Komunalna infrastruktura Voda, Kanalizacija, Struja


Grijanje 7.000 € / godina (53.692,59 kn)
Estimated annual consumption. The entire building is kept at 13-15 degrees Celsius, and approximately 300 m² is used for residential purposes at 21-22 degrees Celsius.
Porez na imovinu 500 € / godina (3.835,19 kn)
Confirmed property tax for the year 2023 for properties 698-408-10-16 and 698-408-10-44. No information available regarding the property tax for property 698-408-10-4.


Porez na prijenos 3 %
The buyer is responsible for the transfer tax after the transactions
Javni bilježnik 128 € (982 kn)
The buyer and seller will share the notary's fee equally.
Naknada registracije 644 € (4.940 kn)
The buyer is responsible for the costs of the title registration.

Ovako počinje kupnja vaše nekretnine

  1. Ispunite kratku formu i dogovoriti ćemo sastanak
  2. Naš predstavnik će Vas kontaktirati bez odlaganja i dogovoriti sastanak.

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