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Garage, Varikkopolku 3 A

92100 Raahe

Please contact the sales representative for further details on this property.

Joni Taskila

Sales Manager
Habita Raahe
Finnish real estate qualification

Basic details

Listing number 661888
Unencumbered selling price €30,300 ($31,749)
Selling price 21,082 € ($22,090)
Share of liabilities €9,218 ($9,659)
Share of liabilities can be paid off Yes
Sold as rented Yes
Rental income per month 305.9 €
Area 326.1 sq ft
Features Heating, Floor drain, Electricity

Building and property details

Construction year 2018
Inauguration 2018
Floors 1
Lift No
Roof type Gable roof
Foundation Concrete
Energy certificate class E, 2013
Heating Electric heating
Building materials Wood
Roof materials Sheet metal
Facade materials Sheet metal
Lot area 47641.1 sq ft
Number of parking spaces 3
Number of buildings 1
Terrain Flat
Road Yes
Land ownership Rental
Land owner Raahen kaupunki
Rent per year 2,800 € (2,933.86 $)
Rental contract ends Sep 14, 2047
Planning situation Detailed plan
Municipality engineering Water, Sewer, Electricity

Energy certificate class


Housing cooperative details

Housing cooperative name Koy Varikkopolun Jemmamakasiini A
Number of shares 780
Number of dwellings 10
Area of dwellings 7417.4 sq ft
Number of commercial spaces 1
Area of commercial spaces 3229.2 sq ft
Right of redemption No


Shopping center 0.2 mi  


Maintenance 51.51 € / month (53.97 $)
Charge for financial costs 150.9 € / month (158.11 $)

Purchase costs

Transfer tax 1.5 %

This is how the buying of your property starts

  1. Fill out the short form and we will arrange a meeting
  2. Our representative will contact you without delay and arrage a meeting.

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