Täkytie 5
01490 Vantaa, Pohjois-Nikinmäki
Please contact the sales representative for further details on this property.
Basic details
Listing number | 660806 |
Unencumbered selling price | €228,000 (USh 871,477,312) |
Selling price | 100,506 € (USh 384,160,233) |
Share of liabilities | €127,494 (USh 487,317,079) |
Share of liabilities can be paid off | Yes |
Types | Commercial space, Warehouse, Production facility, Workspace, Garage |
Floor | 1 |
Commercial floors | 2 |
Total area | 120 m² |
Measurements verified | No |
Measurements based on | Articles of association |
Condition | Good |
Features | Power current, Lever gear door, Floor drain with oil separator, High doors, Tap water in rooms, Curb loading zone, Indoor loading zone |
Housing cooperative details
Housing cooperative name | Kiinteistö Oy Täkytie 5 |
Area of dwellings | 1131 m² |
Number of commercial spaces | 14 |
Right of redemption | No |
Building and property details
Construction year | 2023 |
Inauguration | 2023 |
Floors | 1 |
Lift | No |
Roof type | Gable roof |
Ventilation | Mechanical ventilation |
Foundation | Concrete |
Energy certificate class | A, 2018 |
Heating | Geothermal heating, Radiant underfloor heating |
Building materials | Wood |
Roof materials | Sheet metal |
Property reference number | 92-86-164-4 |
Manager's contact info | Elina Seppänen p. 0408247234 |
Lot area | 2563 m² |
Number of buildings | 1 |
Terrain | Flat |
Road | Yes |
Land ownership | Own |
Planning situation | Detailed plan |
Municipality engineering | Water, Sewer, Electricity |
Energy certificate class
Maintenance | 273.6 € / month (1,045,772.77 USh) |
Charge for financial costs | 1,449.83 € / month (5,541,640.14 USh) |
Heating | 48 € / month (183,468.91 USh) |
Other | 414.34 € / month (1,583,718.9 USh) |
Purchase costs
Transfer tax | 1.5 % |
This is how the buying of your property starts
- Fill out the short form and we will arrange a meeting
- Our representative will contact you without delay and arrage a meeting.
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