Reņģes, Strades dstr, Talsu d
3291 Strazde
Accommodation for more than 120 people, 7 usable houses, 39 ha of land. Ditch for fishing. Good booking rate and valuation. Booked for whole season and holidays. Stable cash flow income. Good value for money invested. Furniture and professional equipment for laundry and kitchen are included in the price. Invest in Latvia and enjoy nature. Located in a Kurland country side and the same time only 100 km from capital Riga.
Basic details
Listing number | 659425 |
Selling price | €827,000 (USh 3,187,066,350) |
Types | Commercial space, Exhibition, Workspace, Restaurant, Accommodation |
Floor | 2 |
Commercial floors | 1 |
Total area | 2172 m² |
Area description | Well maintained area with gentle slope. Opportunities to play disc golf. Fishing, grilling, sauna and many other activities. |
Measurements verified | No |
Measurements based on | Articles of association |
Condition | Good |
Features | Power current, Tap water in rooms |
Building and property details
Construction year | 2014 |
Inauguration | 2014 |
Floors | 2 |
Lift | No |
Energy certificate class | A |
Building materials | Wood, Concrete |
Facade materials | Wood |
Common areas | Equipment storage, Storage, Sauna, Technical room, Drying room, Garbage shed, Lobby, Restaurant, Laundry room |
Lot area | 394000 m² |
Terrain | Gentle slope |
Water area | Own shore / beach |
Road | Yes |
Land ownership | Own |
Planning situation | General plan |
Municipality engineering | Water, Sewer, Electricity |
Energy certificate class
Maintenance | 500 € / month (1,926,884.13 USh) (estimate) |
Purchase costs
Notary | €500 (USh 1,926,884) (Estimate) |
Registration fees | €20,000 (USh 77,075,365) (Estimate) |
This is how the buying of your property starts
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