guri qoys keligiis ah, Heinäperänlahdentie
97765 Impiö
Looking for the perfect spot for your dream home or vacation cottage? Now for sale: a stunning lakeside property on the shores of Lake Simojärvi, where tranquility, breathtaking scenery, and year-round recreational opportunities come together. This exceptional plot offers an ideal location for both permanent living and holiday retreats. The fish-rich Lake Simojärvi invites you to enjoy fishing, boating, and the pure beauty of nature. With excellent road connections, the property is easily accessible throughout the year. Additionally, the neighboring plot is also available for purchase—giving you a rare opportunity to acquire the entire peninsula, ensuring complete privacy and panoramic lake views in every direction! Come and see for yourself—fall in love with the place and make your dream of a lakeside home or cottage retreat a reality!
Faahfaahin badan
lambarka liiska | 665284 |
Qiimaha iibka | €49,000 (S 30,497,322) |
Lambarka tixraaca hantida | 683-403-1-64 |
Caqabadaha | 8,409.4 € (5,233,962.86 Sh.So.) |
Dhul badan | 2120 m² |
Dhulka | fidsan |
Aagga biyaha | Xeeb/ xeeb u gaar ah |
Xeebta | 55 m |
Waddada | Haa |
Lahaanshaha dhulka | Leh |
Xaalada qorshaynta | Qorshaha guud |
Xuquuqda dhismaha | 350 m² |
Canshuurta guryaha | 24.8 € / sannadka (15,435.38 Sh.So.) |
Qiimaha iibka
Canshuurta wareejinta | 3 % |
Nootaayo | €138 (S 85,890) |
Kharashyada diiwaangelinta | €172 (S 107,052) |
Sidan ayuu ku bilaabmaa gadashada hantidaada
- Buuxi foomka gaaban waxaan qabanqaabin doonaa kulan
- Wakiilkayaga ayaa kula soo xidhiidhi doona dib u dhac la'aan waxaanu qabanqaabin doonaa kulan.
Ma jeclaan lahayd inaad wax badan ka ogaato gurigan?
Waad ku mahadsan tahay codsigaaga xiriirka Waanu kula soo xidhiidhi doonaa isla markiiba!