Villa, Sanur
80237 Denpasar, Sanur
Soo hel fursad gaar ah oo aad ku yeelan karto guri-filo qaali ah Sanur, Bali. Beerta gaarka ah ee villa-ga ayaa leh 50 unug oo si taxadar leh loo nashqadeeyay, mid walbana lagu dhisay qalab casri ah iyo farsamooyinkii ugu dambeeyay ee dhismaha, una hogaansama heerarka Yurub ugu sareeya. Villa kastaa waxay la socotaa dammaanad dhammaystiran oo hal sano ah, oo hubinaysa nabadda maskaxda ee mulkiilayaasha guriga. Fillooyinku waxay diyaar u yihiin cabbirro kala duwan, oo leh moodeelka 'Size L' oo bixiya aag nool oo dhan 195 m², oo ka kooban toddoba qol, oo ay ku jiraan saddex qol jiif iyo saddex musqul. Qiimaha lagu iibinayo moodelkan waa Rupah Indonesian ah. Kuwa doonaya ikhtiyaar si buuxda loo qalabeeyey, 620.000.000 IRD dheeraad ah ayaa siisa xirmo qalabayn oo dhamaystiran. Deganayaashu waxay ku raaxaysan karaan 460 m² xarun fayoobi, furan 24 saacadood maalintii, oo leh saunada, barkadaha biyaha qabow iyo kulul, jacuzzi, aagga fadhiga, jimicsiga xirfadleyda, garoon carruurta gudaha ah, iyo yoga sare ee saqafka iyo meel bannaan oo leh aragtiyo soo jiidasho leh. Sanur waxa uu la kulmaa horumar la taaban karo, oo ay ka mid yihiin samaynta Aagga Dhaqaalaha Gaarka ah ee Sanur oo diiradda saaraya caafimaadka iyo dalxiiska, Cisbitaalka Caalamiga ah ee Bali ee soo socda oo ay iskaashanayaan Mayo Clinic, iyo ICON BALI Mall, oo ah goob laga dukaameysto oo xeebta ku taal oo leh magacyo caalami ah iyo kuwo maxalli ah, cunto. fursadaha, iyo shineemo IMAX. Horumarradani waxay kor u qaadaan rafcaanka Sanur oo ah goobta ugu muhiimsan ee maalgashiga iyo nolosha. Iibinta: Nikolett Elsässer +36 30 253 8090,
Qiimaha iibka
IDR 7,200,000,000 (S 252,763,200)Qolal
4Qolalka jiifka
3Deegaanka lagu noolaado
147 m²Faahfaahinta aasaasiga ah
lambarka liiska | 663721 |
Dhisme cusub | Haa (Kahor suuqgeyn) |
Qiimaha iibka | IDR 7,200,000,000 (S 252,763,200) |
Qolal | 4 |
Qolalka jiifka | 3 |
Musqulaha | 3 |
Musqulaha | 4 |
Musqulo leh musqul | 3 |
Deegaanka lagu noolaado | 147 m² |
Guud ahaan aagga | 195 m² |
Aagga boosaska kale | 38 m² |
Sharaxaada meelaha lagu noolaado | We aim to create a community of luxurious villas that embrace timeless design, modern living spaces, with lush gardens and a strong sense of privacy. This project offers 50 units with 1 bedroom, 2 bedroom, 3 bedroom and 4 bedroom luxury villas. While designing our villas, our primary focus was to align with the highest European standards, ensuring that each aspect of the design reflects modernity, luxury, and timeless elegance. We meticulously selected materials and finishes that not only enhance the aesthetic appeal but also guarantee durability and sustainability. The architectural style blends contemporary design with classic elements, creating spaces that are not only visually stunning but also functional and comfortable. Thanks to our architects our villas are designed to stand the test of time, offering a luxurious tropical living experience that remains relevant and sophisticated for years to come. |
Sharaxaada meelaha kale | Community center This exclusive 460 m² wellness area is a sanctuary of well-being, open 24 hours a day, free of charge for all residents, offering an unparalleled living experience. Sauna: Perfect for unwinding Cold and Hot Water Pool: These pools are ideal for cooling off after a sauna session or for a refreshing dip to boost circulation. Jacuzzi: The jacuzzi offers a serene environment to relax Lounge: The perfect spot to relax at the end of the day and let the warm, bubbling water melt away tension. Gym: Equipped with professional fitness machines and free weights, the gym caters to all workout routines, from cardio to strength training. Indoor Kids Playground: While you focus on wellness, the indoor playground ensures that children have a fun, safe environment to play and be active. Yoga and lounge on the rooftop: This peaceful space offers the perfect setting for peaceful sunrise or sunset sessions, with breathtaking views that enhance the calm and tranquility of each practice. |
Sharaxaada aagga | Our Villapark is located at North of Sanur, the capital of the blooming Bali tourism. This project offers the perfect balance of tranquility and convenience. Nestled in a peaceful setting, it provides a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life, allowing the residents to unwind and recharge in a calm and luxurious environment. Despite its quiet surroundings, the Sunrise Villapark is perfectly located just a short distance from the center of Sanur, ensuring that you are never far from the vibrant activities, entertainment, and amenities you desire. With just a 2-minute walk, you can find yourself on the stunning coastline. The walking and bicycle path along the coastline in Sanur is approximately 7 kilometers long and it is offering a scenic route along the beachfront. This path is popular for leisurely walks, cycling, and enjoying views of the ocean. Sanur, Bali, is currently undergoing significant development, making it an exciting area to watch in the coming years. One of the most notable projects is the establishment of the Sanur Special Economic Zone (KEK), which will focus on health and tourism. This zone includes the Bali International Hospital, developed in partnership with the prestigious Mayo Clinic. It was developed with a mission to make Bali a prominent medical tourism hub in Southeast Asia. The Hospital aims to bring world-class healthcare standards to Bali and it is also expected to be one of the first hospitals in Indonesia where foreign doctors can practice. This initiative is expected to generate substantial economic benefits, including foreign exchange savings and job creation, solidifying Sanur’s position as a key medical tourism destination in Indonesia. Another significant development is the ICON BALI Mall, a beachfront shopping destination in Sanur. This mall features a mix of international and local brands, offers a range of shopping, dining, and entertainment options, including an IMAX cinema and community spaces. The ICON BALI Mall aims to enhance the retail and leisure offerings in Sanur, making it a vibrant spot for both locals and tourists . Additionally, the construction of the Bali Light Rail Transit (LRT) system is also on the horizon, with plans to connect Ngurah Rai Airport to key areas such as Sunset Road and Kuta. While the LRT’s first phase focuses on the more tourist-heavy areas, its potential expansion could benefit Sanur by improving connectivity and reducing traffic congestion in the region . These developments highlight Sanur's transformation into a more modern and accessible area while still maintaining its serene charm. |
Cabbiraadaha la xaqiijiyay | Maya |
Cabbiraadaha ku salaysan | Qorshaha dhismaha |
Dabaq | 2 |
Dabaqyada deegaanka | 2 |
Xaalad | Cusub |
Shaqo ka banaan | According to contractSida qandaraasku dhigayo |
Dhigashada | Meesha baarkinka |
Waxay ku taal heerka dhulka | Haa |
Astaamaha | Qaboojiyaha |
Goobaha |
Qolka jiifka (Galbeed) Qolka jiifka (Galbeed) Qolka jiifka (Waqooyi) Jikada-qolka (Koonfur-bari) Qolka musqusha (Galbeed) Qolka musqusha (Bari) Qolka musqusha (Bari) Barkadda dabaasha (Koonfur Galbeed) Qolka tamarta (Waqooyi) barxad (Koonfur) |
Muuqaalo | Dayrka, Barxadda dambe, Barxadda hore, Beerta, Barkadda dabaasha |
Kaydinta | Armaajo-in |
Isgaarsiinta | TV, TV Dijital ah, Internetka |
Dusha sare | Laminate , foorno |
Dusha darbiga | Qoryo, foorno, Rinjiyeynta |
Meelaha musqusha | foorno, Qoryaha looxa |
Qalabka jikada | kariyaha korontada, Foornada, Qaboojiyaha, Microwave |
Qalabka musqusha | Qubeyska, tubbada qubeyska, Dhuuqso, Kursiga musqusha |
Qalabka qolka tamarta | Mashiinka dharka, Durbaan qalajinta, Dhuuqso |
Sharaxaada | 3 qol jiif oo barkad villa ah |
Xog dheeraad ah | 24 hour reception- and securty services |
Xiriirinta |
Faahfaahinta dhismaha iyo hantida
Dhismuhu wuu bilaabmay | 2025 |
sanadka dhismaha | 2025 |
Caleemo saarka | 2025 |
Dabaqyada | 2 |
Kor u qaad | Maya |
Nooca saqafka | Saqafka fidsan |
Hawo-qaadid | Hawo dabiici ah |
Aasaaska |
shubka la xoojiyay
Earthquake - resistent reinforced concrete beams. |
fasalka shahaadada tamarta | Shahaadada tamarta sharcigu uma baahna |
Qalabka dhismaha | Qoryo, Leben, La taaban karo |
Qalabka saqafka | Tile la taaban karo, Sibidhka fiber-ka |
Qalabka wejiga | La taaban karo, Muraayadaha |
Meelaha la wadaago | Sauna, Qolka naadiga, Jirdhiska, Barkadda dabaasha, Barxada saqafka |
Lambarka tixraaca hantida | E8 |
Dhul badan | 300 m² |
Tirada meelaha baabuurta la dhigto | 1 |
Tirada dhismayaasha | 1 |
Dhulka | fidsan |
Waddada | Haa |
Lahaanshaha dhulka | Kirada |
Mulkiilaha dhulka | Natural person |
Xaalada qorshaynta | Qorshe faahfaahsan |
Xuquuqda dhismaha | 195 m² |
injineernimada degmada | Biyo, Bullaacad, Korontada |
Xarunta wax iibsiga |
2 km, Icon Beach Plaza |
Isbitaalka |
4 km, Bali international Hospital |
golf |
5 km, Bali Beach Golf Course |
Makhaayada |
1.5 km, Massimo Italian Restaruant |
Tennis |
3 km, Sanur Tennis Club |
markab |
5 km, Sanur Harbour |
Dugsiga |
2 km, Bali Island School |
Dugsiga |
2 km, Sanur Independent School |
Dukaanka raashinka |
2 km, Grand Lucky Supermarket |
Xeebta |
1.5 km, Padang Galak Beach |
Helitaanka gaadiidka dadweynaha
Madaarka |
15 km, Ngurah Rai International Airport |
Doomaha |
5 km, Bali Ferries |
Dayactirka | 2,500,000 Rp / bisha (87,765 Sh.So.) (qiyaas) |
Korontada | 2,000,000 Rp / bisha (70,212 Sh.So.) (qiyaas) |
Qiimaha iibka
Sidan ayuu ku bilaabmaa gadashada hantidaada
- Buuxi foomka gaaban waxaan qabanqaabin doonaa kulan
- Wakiilkayaga ayaa kula soo xidhiidhi doona dib u dhac la'aan waxaanu qabanqaabin doonaa kulan.
Ma jeclaan lahayd inaad wax badan ka ogaato gurigan?
Waad ku mahadsan tahay codsigaaga xiriirka Waanu kula soo xidhiidhi doonaa isla markiiba!