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Ku raadi lambarka tixraaca

Waqti firaaqo ah, Pitkävaarantie

98100 Kemijärvi, Pitkävaara

Unique Building Plot in Lapland

Are you looking for the perfect location for a holiday village, hotel, or private use near services and a railway connection? This unique site offers a construction permit for a massive 10,000 square meters! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity – a place like no other in Lapland. Imagine your holiday or business destination in the midst of Lapland's most beautiful nature. There is plenty of space to develop exactly what you need, whether it is a luxury hotel, a peaceful holiday village, or a private holiday apartment complex. This is a true gem in the Lapland landscape.

Henri Tuomi

English Finnish
Maareeyaha iibka
Habita Rovaniemi
Aqoonta hantida maguurtada ah ee Finland

Faahfaahin badan

lambarka liiska 660183
Qiimaha iibka €529,000 (S 327,073,430)
Lambarka tixraaca hantida 320-402-28-5
Caqabadaha 200,000 € (123,657,251.4 Sh.So.)
2 electronic mortgages, totaling €200,000 in value, are transferred free of debt to the buyer. The buyer is responsible for the transfer costs of the mortgage deeds.
Dhul badan 250200 m²
Tirada dhismayaasha 1
Dhulka Jiirada
Waddada Haa
Lahaanshaha dhulka Leh
Xaalada qorshaynta Qorshe malaha
Xuquuqda dhismaha 10000 m²
General plan amendment in progress, with RM building area designated for the area. According to Kemijärvi city's email, construction is possible with an exemption permit, and either RA or RM zoning can be used. Preliminary building rights are 10,000 squar
Xog dheeraad ah The property can also be developed without a master plan, for example, through a planning permission decision; there are no obstacles as long as water and sewage services are properly arranged. The property has a non-repairable building. Pitkävaara is located on the outskirts of the Arctic Circle in beautiful Lapland, Finland. Pitkävaara offers excellent opportunities for outdoor activities and various recreational activities. Pitkävaara is located near the center of Kemijärvi, just 3.5 km from the town center. There is a railway station with a train connection to Helsinki in the center.


Dukaanka raashinka 5.1 km  
Xarunta caafimaadka 5.1 km  
Makhaayada 5.4 km  

Helitaanka gaadiidka dadweynaha

Tareen 6.8 km  
Madaarka 86 km  


Lacag la'aan

Qiimaha iibka

Canshuurta wareejinta 3 %
The buyer is responsible for the transfer tax.
Nootaayo €128 (S 79,141)
The fee for the deed official will be shared equally by the seller and the buyer (64 euros).
Kharashyada diiwaangelinta €161 (S 99,544)
The buyer is responsible for the costs of the title registration.

Sidan ayuu ku bilaabmaa gadashada hantidaada

  1. Buuxi foomka gaaban waxaan qabanqaabin doonaa kulan
  2. Wakiilkayaga ayaa kula soo xidhiidhi doona dib u dhac la'aan waxaanu qabanqaabin doonaa kulan.

Ma jeclaan lahayd inaad wax badan ka ogaato gurigan?

Khalad ayaa dhacay markii la isku deyayay in la diro codsiga xiriirka Fadlan isku day mar kale


Waad ku mahadsan tahay codsigaaga xiriirka Waanu kula soo xidhiidhi doonaa isla markiiba!