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Ku raadi lambarka tixraaca

Villa, Av. Miguel Bombarda, nº 9

8500-299 Portimão

Big Family House in Portimão Center

This is a wonderful property with so much potential, in need of some refurbishment & a lot of TLC. This maze of a house has several hallways & corridors & spans 4 storeys with a total of 19 rooms including 6 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, a large L-shaped living/dining room with a grand open fireplace, a spacious fitted & equipped kitchen & parking & storage space in the basement. There is ample outside space with several balconies, terraces & a rooftop solarium.

Qiimaha iibka
€770,000 (S 459,800,796)
Qolalka jiifka
Deegaanka lagu noolaado
354 m²

Faahfaahinta aasaasiga ah

lambarka liiska 660028
Qiimaha iibka €770,000 (S 459,800,796)
Qolal 19
Qolalka jiifka 6
Musqulaha 4
Deegaanka lagu noolaado 354 m²
Guud ahaan aagga 444 m²
Aagga boosaska kale 90 m²
Sharaxaada meelaha lagu noolaado A large family home in need of some renovation and refurbishment, spanning 4 floors. The ground floor consisting of an entrance hall, kitchen, office, en-suite bedroom, guest bathroom and living/dining room with a fabulous open fireplace. The first floor has 3 bedrooms & 1 bedroom suite, office, bathroom & laundry. The 2nd floor has a large room giving access to the roof terrace & solarium. The large basement area is excellent for parking and storage.
Sharaxaada meelaha kale The area around the house is a mix of paving slabs and the beautiful Portuguese calçada stonework. With fruit trees & an abundance of terraces and varandas on each floor. There is a wide gateway leading to the garage entrance. There is a solarium area on the roof with fabulous views across the city to the River Arade & the Monchique Mountains.
Sharaxaada aagga Praia da Rocha is a fabulous location in the Western Algarve to set up a home. With a plethora of shops, bars & restaurants plus a casino, nightclub & not forgetting miles of stunning beaches to stroll along in the hot summer days & warm winter evenings. Praia da Rocha is also on the doorstep of the larger city of Portimão with a serene riverfront & Aqua shopping centre. In the opposite direction to Portimão is the sleepy fishing village of Alvor with typically Portuguese white houses & coulourful boats floating in the harbour.
Cabbiraadaha la xaqiijiyay Maya
Cabbiraadaha ku salaysan Shahaadada Cadastral
Dabaq 1
Dabaqyada deegaanka 4
Xaalad Wuxuu u baahan yahay dayactir
Dhigashada Meesha baarkinka, Garaash, Baarkinka wadada
Astaamaha Dabool, Goobta dabka lagu shido, Kuleyliyaha
Muuqaalo Dayrka, Beerta, Xaafadda, Waddada
Kaydinta Wardrobe , Saldhig kaydinta hoose, Kaydinta saqafka sare
Isgaarsiinta TV Dijital ah, Internetka
Dusha sare marmar, Qoryo
Dusha darbiga Rinjiyeynta
Meelaha musqusha foorno
Qalabka jikada kariyaha gaaska, Foornada, Qaboojiyaha, Makiinada weelka lagu dhaqo, Microwave, Mashiinka dharka
Qalabka musqusha tubbada qubeyska, Dhuuqso, Kursiga musqusha, Muraayad
Sharaxaada Idealy for a big family that wants to live in the town center, or if your are looking to open a business and set a Guest House or even for your Company office!!!
Xog dheeraad ah The unusual staircase leading to all the floors is an example of the quirkiness of this house. There is a spiral staircase leading to the roof terrace and some of the external flooring is made from the beautiful Portuguese calçada stones. Let your imagination run wild with this grand property & turn it into the home of your dreams. Viewing is essential to truly understand the amazing potential this property has to offer. This property is also in a prime location with fabulous transport links, close to the River Arade and several shops, restaurants and all local amenities.

Faahfaahinta dhismaha iyo hantida

sanadka dhismaha 1977
Caleemo saarka 1977
Dabaqyada 4
Kor u qaad Maya
Nooca saqafka Saqafka fidsan
Hawo-qaadid Hawo dabiici ah
Aasaaska shubka la xoojiyay
fasalka shahaadada tamarta C
Qalabka dhismaha Leben, La taaban karo
Qalabka saqafka dhoobada dhoobada
Qalabka wejiga Malaastaan
Dhul badan 553 m²
Tirada meelaha baabuurta la dhigto 1
Dhulka Jilicsan dabacsan
Waddada Haa
Lahaanshaha dhulka Leh
Xaalada qorshaynta Qorshe malaha
injineernimada degmada Biyo, Bullaacad, Korontada, Gaas

fasalka shahaadada tamarta



Xarunta wax iibsiga 35.3 km, Algarve Shopping - Guia  
Xarunta wax iibsiga 1.9 km, Aqua Shopping Centre  
Xarunta wax iibsiga 0.5 km, Centro Comercial Continente  
Dukaanka raashinka 0.4 km, Pingo Doce
Dukaanka raashinka 0.7 km, Aldi & Lidl Supermarkets
Dugsiga 1 km, EB2,3 Dom Martinho de Castelo Branco
Dugsiga 0.9 km, Escola Secundaria Poeta Antonio Aleixo
Garoonka ciyaaraha 0.8 km, Parque Infantil da Alameda
Naadiga caafimaadka 1.1 km, Ginasio Village Fitness  
Xarunta caafimaadka 1 km, Centro de Saúde de Portimão
Isbitaalka 2.8 km, Hospital de Portimão
Makhaayada 0.8 km, There are several cafes, bars and restaurants in the local vicinity
Beerta 7.5 km, Slide & Splash Waterpark - Estômbar  
Beerta 28.1 km, Zoomarine - Guia  
Beerta 24.1 km, Aqualand - Alcantarilha  
Tennis Clube Ténis de Portimão e Rocha is just across the road
golf 3.8 km, Alto Golf - Alvor
golf 8.2 km, Gramacho & Vale da Pinta Golf Courses
golf 19.6 km, Silves Golf
markab 0.6 km, Portimão Riverfront - Zona Riberinha de Portimão
Xeebta 2.3 km, Praia da Rocha

Helitaanka gaadiidka dadweynaha

Bas The line 14 bus stop is outside the property


Canshuurta guryaha 728.68 € / sannadka (435,126.81 Sh.So.) (qiyaas)

Qiimaha iibka

Nootaayo €850 (S 507,572) (Qiyaas)
Kharashyada diiwaangelinta €225 (S 134,357) (Qiyaas)
Canshuuraha 0.8 % (Qiyaas)
Canshuurta wareejinta €46,200 (S 27,588,048) (Qiyaas)

Sidan ayuu ku bilaabmaa gadashada hantidaada

  1. Buuxi foomka gaaban waxaan qabanqaabin doonaa kulan
  2. Wakiilkayaga ayaa kula soo xidhiidhi doona dib u dhac la'aan waxaanu qabanqaabin doonaa kulan.

Ma jeclaan lahayd inaad wax badan ka ogaato gurigan?

Khalad ayaa dhacay markii la isku deyayay in la diro codsiga xiriirka Fadlan isku day mar kale


Waad ku mahadsan tahay codsigaaga xiriirka Waanu kula soo xidhiidhi doonaa isla markiiba!