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La xafiday

Guri go'an, Sítio do Colmeal, Santa Bárbara de Nexe

8005-444 Colmeal

3 Bedroom Villa St.ª Bárbara de Nexe

Located in the charming town of Colmeal, Algarve, Portugal, this stunning 3-bedroom, 3-bathroom villa offers a perfect blend of traditional country style and modern comforts. Spanning two floors, the villa boasts a spacious ground floor with a fully equipped country-style kitchen, large fridge and freezer, dishwasher, and a grand wood-burning fireplace. The 1st floor features a sauna, bedroom with built-in wardrobes and dressing room, and a beautiful roof terrace. Enjoy the tranquil surroundings and breathtaking views of the garden, nature, and swimming pool. This detached villa, built in 1992, is furnished and features air conditioning, chip, chopped firewood and log boiler heating. Perfect for those seeking a peaceful retreat in the heart of the Algarve.

Antonio Martins

English Portuguese German French
Wakiilka iibka
Habita Algarve
Fasaxa jirada
Qiimaha iibka
€589,000 (S 365,240,118)
Qolalka jiifka
Deegaanka lagu noolaado
197.5 m²

Faahfaahinta aasaasiga ah

lambarka liiska 659053
Qiimaha iibka €589,000 (S 365,240,118)
Qolal 5
Qolalka jiifka 3
Musqulaha 3
Musqulaha 1
Deegaanka lagu noolaado 197.5 m²
Guud ahaan aagga 259.5 m²
Aagga boosaska kale 62 m²
Sharaxaada meelaha lagu noolaado Villa spanning 2 floors with the ground floor consisting of entrance hall, fully fitted & equipped country style kitchen with large fridge & freezer & dishwasher, laundry room, lounge with large grand wood burning fireplace, bathroom & 2 bedrooms. 1st floor consists of hallway, bathroom, sauna & bedroom with built in wardrobes & dressing room.
Sharaxaada meelaha kale Set in large private grounds (3920sqm) with swimming pool (in need of a little attention). Part of the garage is in the process of being converted into 2 bedrooms & a bathroom (there is project approval for this). There is still space for1 small car. The lovely South facing roof terrace has a sea view. The property has solar panels & a borehole.
Sharaxaada aagga Faro is probably best known for being the city which has the only international airport in the Algarve but there are so many more fascinating attractions to see in this beautiful historic city. With golden beaches, a Gothic cathedral, the Paço Espicopical Palace and the stunning Arco da Vila, a Baroque gateway into Cidade Velha, beautifully cobbled pedestrian shopping streets & the enorçous Mar Shopping, plus Ria Forçosa a natural park with amazing nature & wildlife, Faro is so much more than just an arrival & departure city.
Cabbiraadaha la xaqiijiyay Maya
Cabbiraadaha ku salaysan Shahaadada Cadastral
Dabaq 1
Dabaqyada deegaanka 2
Xaalad Wacan
Dhigashada Barxadda baarkinka, Garaash, Baarkinka wadada
Waxay ku taal heerka dhulka Haa
Waxay ku taal dabaqa ugu sarreeya Haa
Astaamaha Dabool, Qaboojiyaha, Goobta dabka lagu shido
Muuqaalo Beerta, Dabeecadda, Barkadda dabaasha
Kaydinta Wardrobe , Armaajooyinka / armaajooyinka
Isgaarsiinta TV Dijital ah, Internetka
Dusha sare dhoobada dhoobada
Dusha darbiga Rinjiyeynta
Meelaha musqusha foorno
Qalabka jikada kariyaha gaaska, Foornada, Qaboojiyaha, Daboolka jikada, Makiinada weelka lagu dhaqo
Qalabka musqusha Qubeyska, Golaha Wasiirada, Dhuuqso, Kursiga musqusha, Muraayad
Qalabka qolka tamarta Mashiinka dharka
Xog dheeraad ah This villa in Faro is in an excellent location with great transport links & set just outside the village of Colmeal where you will find all local amenities. Also a short drive to Faro with golden beaches, cobbled shopping streets, Mar shopping complex & Faro Airport. The villa has solar panels, a borehole and photovoltaic panels for electricity production that is almost self suficient (elecrticity cost +/- 45€/month). There is also A/C units.

Faahfaahinta dhismaha iyo hantida

Dhismuhu wuu bilaabmay 1992
sanadka dhismaha 1992
Caleemo saarka 1992
Dabaqyada 2
Kor u qaad Maya
Nooca saqafka Saqafka goglan
Hawo-qaadid Hawo dabiici ah
Aasaaska shubka la xoojiyay
fasalka shahaadada tamarta D
Kululaynta Chip, xabo la jarjaray iyo kuleyliyaha looxa
Qalabka dhismaha Leben, La taaban karo
Qalabka saqafka dhoobada dhoobada
Qalabka wejiga Malaastaan
Meelaha la wadaago Barkadda dabaasha, Garaash, Barxada saqafka
Dhul badan 3920 m²
Dhulka Jilicsan dabacsan
Waddada Maya
Lahaanshaha dhulka Leh
Xaalada qorshaynta Qorshe malaha
injineernimada degmada Korontada, Gaas

fasalka shahaadada tamarta



Canshuurta guryaha 518.34 € / sannadka (321,423.71 Sh.So.) (qiyaas)

Qiimaha iibka

Canshuurta wareejinta €32,810 (S 20,345,462) (Qiyaas)
Canshuuraha 0.8 % (Qiyaas)
Stamp Duty Tax
Kharashyada diiwaangelinta €225 (S 139,523) (Qiyaas)
Nootaayo €700 (S 434,071) (Qiyaas)

Sidan ayuu ku bilaabmaa gadashada hantidaada

  1. Buuxi foomka gaaban waxaan qabanqaabin doonaa kulan
  2. Wakiilkayaga ayaa kula soo xidhiidhi doona dib u dhac la'aan waxaanu qabanqaabin doonaa kulan.

Ma jeclaan lahayd inaad wax badan ka ogaato gurigan?

Khalad ayaa dhacay markii la isku deyayay in la diro codsiga xiriirka Fadlan isku day mar kale


Waad ku mahadsan tahay codsigaaga xiriirka Waanu kula soo xidhiidhi doonaa isla markiiba!

Waxaan u isticmaalnaa cookies si aan u helno adeeg wanaagsan

Waxaan isticmaalnaa cookies iyo teknoolojiyadda kale si aan u wanaajino khibradaada boggayaga oo aan ku tuso macluumaadka la gaaryeelay. Dareen xor u ah inaad beddesho oggolaanshahaaga wakhti kasta.

Shuruudaha isticmaalka iyo siyaasadda gaarka ah
Dhammaan diid
Kaliya loo baahan yahay

Had iyo jeer firfircoon

Xayeysiiska & Suuqgeynta