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Ku raadi lambarka tixraaca

Guri go'an, Dūkas

3264 Zocene

Seaside family home

Fantastic family house only 900m to the sea. Easy access from the highway. Quality log house, sauna, large carport with closed storage. The territory is wide, picturesque, quiet. Next to the State Forests. Paved paths. Well-thought-out, well-kept yard (there is a flagpole, a fire place, bright bushes). The terrace around the house was renovated last year (along the entire perimeter of the house). Nearby, near the sauna, there is a pond (can be preserved, at the discretion of the new owners). Nice, neighbors. Neighbors' houses on one side, only forest on the other.

Ligita Tetere

English Russian Latvian
Agaasimaha maamulka
Habita Riga
Wakiilka Guryaha Guryaha ee Habita Shatiga u haysta
Qiimaha iibka
€161,000 (S 96,488,336)
Qolalka jiifka
Deegaanka lagu noolaado
105.4 m²

Faahfaahinta aasaasiga ah

lambarka liiska 658207
Qiimaha iibka €161,000 (S 96,488,336)
Qolal 5
Qolalka jiifka 4
Musqulaha 2
Musqulaha 1
Musqulaha aan lahayn musqulaha 1
Deegaanka lagu noolaado 105.4 m²
Guud ahaan aagga 140.5 m²
Aagga boosaska kale 35.1 m²
Sharaxaada meelaha lagu noolaado Fantastic family house only 900m to the sea. Easy access from the highway. Quality log house, sauna, large carport with closed storage. The territory is wide, picturesque, quiet. Next to the State Forests. Paved paths. Well-thought-out, well-kept yard (there is a flagpole, a fire place, bright bushes). The terrace around the house was renovated last year (along the entire perimeter of the house). Nearby, near the sauna, there is a pond (can be preserved, at the discretion of the new owners). Nice, neighbors. Neighbors' houses on one side, only forest on the other. A convenient layout for the house: - one utility room, entrance from the terrace; - 2 entrances to the house; - the main door leads to a comfortable hall (with a built-in wardrobe); - a living room with a fireplace follows, which harmoniously passes into the kitchen area; - 2 bathrooms on the first floor (one bathroom with bathtub); - additional isolated room (office or guest bedroom); On the second floor there are 3 comfortable bedrooms. The house has central heating - firewood. Burning the fireplace warms the whole house. Plus there was a heat pump - the system can be restored. The water comes from a well in the village. Sewerage - local. 3 phase electricity. A metal gate for entering the territory. The property has a fantastic aura - be in silence, surrounded by nature. Everything around is alive, house and windows, doors WOOD. An idyll for Latvian nature lovers. The sea is within walking distance.
Cabbiraadaha la xaqiijiyay Maya
Cabbiraadaha ku salaysan Shahaadada Cadastral
Dabaq 1
Dabaqyada deegaanka 1
Xaalad Wacan
Dhigashada Meesha baarkinka, Carport
Astaamaha Dabool, Nidaamka amniga, Goobta dabka lagu shido, Kuleyliyaha
Goobaha Sauna
Muuqaalo Barxadda dambe, Barxadda hore, Barxadda gaarka ah, Kaynta, Dabeecadda
Kaydinta Wardrobe , Armaajooyinka / armaajooyinka
Dusha sare Parquet
Dusha darbiga Qoryo
Meelaha musqusha foorno
Qalabka jikada kariyaha korontada, Foornada, Qaboojiyaha, Golaha Wasiirada, Daboolka jikada, Makiinada weelka lagu dhaqo
Qalabka musqusha tubbada qubeyska, Mashiinka dharka, Dhuuqso, Kursiga musqusha, Biyo kululeeyaha, Muraayad
Sharaxaada Seaside family home

Faahfaahinta dhismaha iyo hantida

sanadka dhismaha 2006
Caleemo saarka 2006
Dabaqyada 2
Kor u qaad Maya
Nooca saqafka Saqafka Mansard
Hawo-qaadid Hawo dabiici ah
Aasaaska shubka la xoojiyay
fasalka shahaadada tamarta A
Kululaynta Kululaynta degmada, Shucaaciyaha
Qalabka dhismaha Qoryo
Qalabka saqafka Tile la taaban karo
Qalabka wejiga Qoryo
Meelaha la wadaago Kaydinta, Sauna, Qolka farsamada, Qolka qallajinta, Hoolka baarkinka, Qolka dharka lagu dhaqdo
Canshuurta guryaha sanadkii 350 €
209,757.25 Sh.So.
Dhul badan 4400 m²
Tirada meelaha baabuurta la dhigto 4
Tirada dhismayaasha 2
Dhulka Jilicsan dabacsan
Aagga biyaha Xuquuqda isticmaalka xeebta / xeebta
Waddada Haa
Lahaanshaha dhulka Leh
Xaalada qorshaynta Qorshe faahfaahsan
Xuquuqda dhismaha 141 m²
injineernimada degmada Biyo, Bullaacad, Korontada, Kuleylinta degmada

fasalka shahaadada tamarta



Dayactirka 50 € / bisha (29,965.32 Sh.So.)

Qiimaha iibka

Canshuurta wareejinta 1.5 %
Nootaayo €100 (S 59,931) (Qiyaas)
Canshuurta wareejinta €23 (S 13,784)

Sidan ayuu ku bilaabmaa gadashada hantidaada

  1. Buuxi foomka gaaban waxaan qabanqaabin doonaa kulan
  2. Wakiilkayaga ayaa kula soo xidhiidhi doona dib u dhac la'aan waxaanu qabanqaabin doonaa kulan.

Ma jeclaan lahayd inaad wax badan ka ogaato gurigan?

Khalad ayaa dhacay markii la isku deyayay in la diro codsiga xiriirka Fadlan isku day mar kale


Waad ku mahadsan tahay codsigaaga xiriirka Waanu kula soo xidhiidhi doonaa isla markiiba!