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Ku raadi lambarka tixraaca

Guri dabaq ah, Rua Agosto Azul, Condomínio Oásis Mar Lote 1, Bloco B - R/C B

8500-367 Portimão, Praia da Rocha

Long Term Rental in Praia da Rocha

State-of-the-art, elegantly furnished, air-conditioned apartment has entrance hall with guest W.C, hallway with family bathroom leading to the 3 bedrooms, 2 with fitted wardrobes & 1 suite with dressing area. The living/dining area is bright & spacious & the modern, fully fitted & equipped kitchen has top of the range appliances. All rooms have access to the terrace & private garden overlooking one of the 2 swimming pools. There is private parking & a storage space in the basement garage. Set in a private, gated condominium with swimming pools, sauna, children's play area & landscaped gardens.

Antonio Martins

English Portuguese German French
Wakiilka iibka
Habita Algarve
Fasaxa jirada
Lacagta kirada
2,750 € / bisha (1,713,763 Sh.So.)
Qolalka jiifka
Deegaanka lagu noolaado
128.8 m²

Nala soo xiriir

Horay u buuxi codsiga kirada gurigan.

Waxaan xiisaynayaa in aan kiraysto gurigan

Soo dir codsiga kirada

Waad ku mahadsan tahay codsigaaga xiriirka Waanu kula soo xidhiidhi doonaa isla markiiba!

Faahfaahinta aasaasiga ah

lambarka liiska 639736
Lacagta kirada 2,750 € / bisha (1,713,763 Sh.So.)
Muddada heshiiska aan xad lahayn
Heshiisku wuu bilaabmayaa 01-Abr-2023
Heshiisku wuu dhamaanayaa 31-Mar-2024
dhigaal €5,000 (S 3,115,934)
Sigaarka waa la ogol yahay Maya
Xayawaanka la ogolyahay Maya
Qolal 4
Qolalka jiifka 3
Musqulaha 3
Musqulaha 3
Musqulo leh musqul 3
Deegaanka lagu noolaado 128.8 m²
Guud ahaan aagga 266.9 m²
Aagga boosaska kale 138.1 m²
Sharaxaada meelaha lagu noolaado Finished in 2020, this modern ground floor apartment was built using the finest quality materials & with fixtures & fittings of luxury. Consisting of an entrance hall with guest W.C, living/dining room, open plan fully fitted & equipped kitchen with top of the range applinces, including oven & hob, micorwave, dishwasher & washing machine, hallway with closet & 3 double bedrooms with fitted wardrobes & en-suite facilities & changing area to the main.
Sharaxaada meelaha kale Each of the rooms in this beautiful apartment has access to the terrace & private garden. There is also a parking space & storage area in the basement garage. Set in a luxurious, private condominium with swimming pools, sauna & beautiful landscaped gardens.
Sharaxaada aagga With stunning beaches, water sports, beautiful marina, traditional cobbled streets, casino, shops, cafes, bars & restaurants, Praia da Rocha offers something for everyone. Also located on the doorstep of Portimão, the European City of Sport 2019, where the culture continues with theatres, museums & an abundance of other cultural & sporting events. Plus sports centres, tennis courts, golf courses galore & other local amenities such as banks, schools, hospitals etc. The perfect place in the sun.
Cabbiraadaha la xaqiijiyay Maya
Cabbiraadaha ku salaysan Shahaadada Cadastral
Dabaq 0
Dabaqyada deegaanka 1
Xaalad Cusub
Shaqo ka banaan 16-Mar-2023
Dhigashada Garaash dhigashada
Waxay ku taal heerka dhulka Haa
Astaamaha Dabool, Qaboojiyaha, Daaqadaha laba-glazed
Muuqaalo Beerta, Barkadda dabaasha
Kaydinta Wardrobe , Armaajooyinka / armaajooyinka, Saldhig kaydinta hoose
Isgaarsiinta TV, Internetka
Dusha sare dhoobada dhoobada
Dusha darbiga Rinjiyeynta
Meelaha musqusha dhoobada dhoobada
Qalabka jikada Foornada, kariyaha dhoobada, Qaboojiyaha, Daboolka jikada, Makiinada weelka lagu dhaqo, Microwave, Mashiinka dharka
Qalabka musqusha tubbada qubeyska, Golaha Wasiirada, Dhuuqso, Kursiga musqusha, Muraayad
Sharaxaada Stunning & modern 3 bedroom apartment in Praia da Rocha in a newly built complex with swimming pools, sauna, children's play area & beautifully maintained, lush landscaped gardens.
Xog dheeraad ah This family apartment is just a short walk to stunning golden beaches & the lively cobbled street in Praia da Rocha filled with cafes, bars, restaurants, shops, night club, casino & other local amenities, close enough to enjoy the bustling nightlife, yet far enough away in a beautiful serene complex to take advantage of the peace & tranquility the Algarve has to offer. Giving you the best of both worlds.

Faahfaahinta dhismaha iyo hantida

sanadka dhismaha 2020
Caleemo saarka 2020
Dabaqyada 1
Kor u qaad Haa
Nooca saqafka Saqafka fidsan
Hawo-qaadid Hawo dabiici ah
Aasaaska shubka la xoojiyay
fasalka shahaadada tamarta A
Qalabka dhismaha Leben, La taaban karo
Qalabka saqafka dhoobada dhoobada
Qalabka wejiga Malaastaan
Meelaha la wadaago Sauna, Barkadda dabaasha, Garaash
Tirada meelaha baabuurta la dhigto 1
Dhulka Jilicsan dabacsan
Waddada Haa
Lahaanshaha dhulka Leh
Xaalada qorshaynta Qorshe malaha
injineernimada degmada Biyo, Bullaacad, Korontada, Gaas

fasalka shahaadada tamarta



Xarunta wax iibsiga 28 km, Algarve Shopping - Guia  
Xarunta wax iibsiga 3.8 km, Aqua Shopping Centre - Portimão
Xarunta wax iibsiga 1.7 km, Centro Comercial Continente - Portimão
Dukaanka raashinka 0.7 km, Intermarché
Dukaanka raashinka 1.7 km, Aldi & Lidl
Dukaanka raashinka 2.4 km, Pingo Doce
Dugsiga 1.4 km, EB2,3 Dom Martinho de Castelo Branco
Dugsiga 1.7 km, Escola Secundária Poeta António Aleixo
Jaamacadda 3.4 km, Universidade do Algarve
Garoonka ciyaaraha There is a children´s play area in the complex
Garoonka ciyaaraha 1.4 km, Parque da Juventude
Garoonka ciyaaraha 2 km, Parque Infantil e Desportivo da Quinta do Caneco
Naadiga caafimaadka 0.2 km, There are several health clubs in the local vicinity
Xarunta caafimaadka 2.4 km, Centro de Saúde de Portimão
Isbitaalka 4.8 km, Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Algarve
Makhaayada 0.1 km, There are several cafes, bars & restaurants in the local vicinity
Beerta 8.7 km, Slide & Splash Water Park - Estômbar  
Beerta 19.4 km, Aqualand - Alcantarilha  
Beerta 24.9 km, Zoomarine - Guia  
Tennis 2.1 km, Clube Tenís e Padel de Portimão
golf 2.4 km, Alto Golf - Alvor
golf 11.4 km, Penina Hotel & Golf Resort - Alvor
golf 19.1 km, Silves Golf
golf 9.5 km, Gramacho Golf Resort - Estômbar
Xarunta wax iibsiga 9.3 km, Vale de Pinta Golf Course - Carvoeiro
markab 2.1 km, Fortaleza de Santa Catarina
markab 2.6 km, Portimão River Front
Xeebta 0.7 km, Praia da Rocha
Xeebta 0.8 km, Praia dos Três Castelos
Xeebta 1.3 km, Praia do Vau

Helitaanka gaadiidka dadweynaha

Madaarka 70.7 km, Faro Airport
Tareen 3.4 km, Portimão Train Station
Bas 0.4 km, Lines: 1P & 35