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Guri dabaq ah, Riverside resort

8400-655 Parchal, Urbanização Encosta do Arade

Winter Rental - 2 Month Minimum

This is an example of one of the T1 Junior suites we have available in the Riverside Hotel, fully furnished with everything you need for a winter break including fully fitted kitchenette, living/dining room with sofa bed & bathroom. The price is 943€ per month for a ground floor suite & 1009€ for other floors. The price includes a weekly laundry service giving clean towels & bed linen & weekly cleaning (excluding kitchen). The perfect place to relax & enjoy the winter months strolling by the river, dining in the restaurant or pampering yourself in the spa with sauna, gym, Turkish bath & pool.

Lacagta kirada
943 € / bisha (564,927 Sh.So.)
Qolalka jiifka
Deegaanka lagu noolaado
64 m²

Nala soo xiriir

Horay u buuxi codsiga kirada gurigan.

Waxaan xiisaynayaa in aan kiraysto gurigan

Soo dir codsiga kirada

Waad ku mahadsan tahay codsigaaga xiriirka Waanu kula soo xidhiidhi doonaa isla markiiba!

Faahfaahinta aasaasiga ah

lambarka liiska 622069
Lacagta kirada 943 € / bisha (564,927 Sh.So.)
Muddada heshiiska aan xad lahayn
dhigaal €943 (S 564,927)
Sigaarka waa la ogol yahay Maya
Xayawaanka la ogolyahay Maya
Qolal 2
Qolalka jiifka 1
Musqulaha 1
Deegaanka lagu noolaado 64 m²
Guud ahaan aagga 79 m²
Aagga boosaska kale 15 m²
Sharaxaada meelaha lagu noolaado Riverside Hotel 1-bedroom apartments have a lounge & stylish, fully fitted & equipped kitchen, bathroom & bedroom.
Sharaxaada meelaha kale These wonderful apartments each have at least 1 balcony. These beautiful residences also have use of the hotel spa with sauna, jacuzzi, gym, Turkish bath & heated indoor pool, an outdoor infinity pool looking over the river, a 24 hour reception service, free Wifi, access to the laundry & ample parking in front of the hotel. The hotel also offers it's self catering guests 10% discount off the restaurant menu price.
Sharaxaada aagga Set in a fantastic location between Ferragudo & Portimão, close to stunning beaches, elegant marina, serene riverfront, theatres, museums, shops bars & restaurants there is no end of things to do.
Cabbiraadaha la xaqiijiyay Maya
Cabbiraadaha ku salaysan Qorshaha dhismaha
Dabaq 0
Dabaqyada deegaanka 1
Xaalad Wacan
Dhigashada Barxadda baarkinka
Waxay ku taal heerka dhulka Haa
Astaamaha Dabool, Qaboojiyaha, Daaqadaha laba-glazed, Bamka kulaylka isha hawada, Kuleyliyaha
Goobaha Balakoonka
Barkadda dabaasha
Qolka musqusha
Muuqaalo Dayrka, Barxadda dambe, Barxadda hore, Baadiyaha, Dabeecadda, Barkadda dabaasha, Webiga
Kaydinta Golaha Wasiirada, Wardrobe
Isgaarsiinta fiilada TV-ga, Internetka, Internet fiber indhaha
Dusha sare Laminate , dhoobada dhoobada
Dusha darbiga Rinjiyeynta
Meelaha musqusha dhoobada dhoobada
Qalabka jikada kariyaha dhoobada, Qaboojiyaha, Golaha Wasiirada, Daboolka jikada, Makiinada weelka lagu dhaqo, Foornada goonida ah, Microwave
Qalabka musqusha Qubeyska, tubbada qubeyska, Golaha Wasiirada, Dhuuqso, gidaarka qubeyska, Kursiga musqusha, Biyo kululeeyaha, Muraayad, Golaha wasiirada ee muraayada
Sharaxaada Excellent riverside location by the nature reserve on the river in Portimão with stunning view of the infinity pool and grounds. A beautiful serene place to spend a long winter in the Algarve sunshine
Xog dheeraad ah The hotel spa has a sauna, jacuzzi, gym, Turkish bath & heated indoor pool. There is also an outdoor infinity pool looking over the river, a 24 hour reception service, free Wifi, access to the laundry & ample parking in front of the hotel. The hotel also offers it's self catering guests 10% discount off the restaurant menu price. The perfect place to spend winter. Prices are based on a minimum of 2 months stay between November & May inclusive & include utilities. This property is in a resort which has a Touristic Habitation Licence.

Faahfaahinta dhismaha iyo hantida

sanadka dhismaha 2012
Dabaqyada 3
Kor u qaad Haa
Nooca saqafka Saqafka goglan
Hawo-qaadid Hawo dabiici ah
fasalka shahaadada tamarta A
Kululaynta Bamka kulaylka isha hawada
Qalabka dhismaha Leben, La taaban karo
Qalabka saqafka Tile la taaban karo
Qalabka wejiga La taaban karo, Malaastaan, Dabaqyada lebenka
Meelaha la wadaago Kaydinta, Sauna, Qolka qallajinta, Kaydinta baaskiilka, Lobby, Jirdhiska, Barkadda dabaasha, Hoolka baarkinka, Makhaayada, Qolka dharka lagu dhaqdo
Tirada meelaha baabuurta la dhigto 1
Dhulka fidsan
Aagga biyaha Xaqqa isticmaalka aagga biyaha guud
Waddada Haa
Lahaanshaha dhulka Leh
Xaalada qorshaynta Qorshaha gobolka
injineernimada degmada Biyo, Bullaacad, Korontada

fasalka shahaadada tamarta



Xarunta wax iibsiga 25.5 km, Algarve Shopping - Guia  
Xarunta wax iibsiga 3.9 km, Aqua Shopping Centre - Portimão
markab The Hotel is situated on the riverfront.
Garoonka ciyaaraha There is a children's playground on site
Xarunta wax iibsiga 3.8 km, Centro Comercial Continente - Portimão
Dukaanka raashinka 0.9 km, Lidl - Parchal
Naadiga caafimaadka The hotel has a health spa with sauna, gymnasium, jacuzzi & indoor swimming pool
Xarunta caafimaadka 3.6 km, Centro de Saúde de Portimão
Isbitaalka 4.3 km, Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Algarve
Makhaayada There is a restaurant in the hotel & several cafes, bars & restaurants in the local vicinity
golf 7.5 km, Alto Golf & Country Club - Alvor
golf 13.4 km, Penina Hotel & Golf Resort - Alvor
golf 4.7 km, Gramacho Golf Resort - Estômbar
golf 4.5 km, Vale da Pinta Golf Course - Carvoeiro
golf 13.1 km, Silves Golf
golf 20.7 km, Amendoeiro Golf Resort - Alcantarilha
Xeebta 4 km, Praia Grande - Ferragudo
Xeebta 3.4 km, Praia da Angrinha- Ferragudo
Dukaanka raashinka 0.3 km, Coviran - Parchal

Helitaanka gaadiidka dadweynaha

Madaarka 63.6 km, Faro Airport
Tareen 0.8 km, Ferragudo Train Station
Bas 0.3 km, Lines: 13,107,113