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Xafiisyada Habita

Habita Turku

The best real estate agency in Turku with years of experience. Habita Turku offers highly reliable real estate brokerage and professional real estate agents. We are Finland's largest private real estate agency. Among us, you will surely find a real estate agent to your liking.

We offer sale and purchase service of apartments, properties and business premises in Turku. We have been doing real estate brokerage and property rental since 1989. Habita is a national operator that also sells and rents holiday apartments and second homes in many interesting foreign destinations.

Experienced Real Estate Agents in Turku

We have expertise in the field of sales, from smaller condominiums to more valuable properties. Experienced and trained real estate agents will help you in all phases of the housing transaction. Habita's real estate agents in Turku work together to advertise apartments for sale to potential buyers.

You can get a free price estimate of the property for sale from us, as well as a professional real estate agent to help you with real estate brokerage. Habita also markets apartments for sale through its comprehensive customer register, where thousands are looking for a new apartment. We guarantee effective marketing of the apartment and active presentation of the property. Real estate agents also handle all the necessary documents for the apartment sale.

Turku Real Estate Agency and rental service

Our real estate agents serve not only apartment sellers but also apartment buyers. A Habita representative will show you the properties for sale that best meet your criteria. If necessary, we organize private house presentations. We know the residential areas of Turku and take your wishes into account when looking for a new home for you. We help in all matters related to changing apartments and buying a new home.

We also serve landlords and find reliable tenants for your apartment. The Habita rental service includes, among other things, credit and job evaluation of the renter and preparation of the rental agreement. You can also get help from us in problem situations. We also present Turku rental apartments on our website, and you can bring the completed rental apartment application with you to the apartment presentation.

Turku is a versatile city and real estate trade in the area is often busy. Our real estate agents tell you more about the housing market situation in the Turku region and the development of different residential areas. We are happy to answer the questions of apartment sellers, buyers and apartment investors about real estate brokerage.

We offer high-quality and comprehensive services for real estate brokerage. You can trust on our expertise and our ability to sell your apartment at the best price. Contact our real estate agents in Turku when you are thinking about selling, renting or buying a new apartment.

Office image
Gacan qaad

Guriga beddelka

Heshiis weyn, waan kuu fududaynaynaa.

Wakiiladayada hantida maguurtada ah waxay kuugu adeegaan si xirfad leh dhammaan arrimaha guryaha. Iib, iibi ama kirayso, na weydiiso qiime tartan oo bilaash ah. Waxaan kuugu adeegaynaa si shakhsi ah oo kalsooni leh. Iskaashiga caalamiga ah ee xafisyada Habit waxay dabooshaa goobaha gudaha iyo dibaddaba

Macluumaadka xiriirka

Linnankatu 37
20100 Turku

010 585 5340

Habita Finland Oy, Habita Turku
Aqoonsiga ganacsiga: 0980183-2

Guri furan

Ma xiisaynaysaa qiimaynta guriga ee bilaashka ah?

  1. Buuxi foomka hoose waxaana qabanqaabin doonaa kulan.
  2. Wakiilkayagu waxa uu kula soo xidhiidhi doonaa daahid la'aan waxaanu kuu qabanqaabin doonaa booqasho qiimayn ah wakhtiga adiga kugu habboon.
  3. Waxaan u diyaarinaa qorshaha iibka booqashada qiimaynta, si aan u bilaabi karno iibinta guriga marka ugu horeysa ee kugu habboon.

Foomka xiriirka


Antti Ala-Siurua

English Finnish Swedish
Maareeyaha iibka
Habita Turku

Eila Hoffrén

English Finnish Swedish
Wakiilka guryaha
Habita Turku
Aqoonta hantida maguurtada ah ee Finland

Jurij Milonoff

English Finnish
Wakiilka guryaha
Habita Turku
Aqoonta hantida maguurtada ah ee Finland, Nootaayo

Eetu Virtanen

English Finnish
Wakiilka guryaha
Habita Turku
Aqoonta hantida maguurtada ah ee Finland

Mika Järviö

English Finnish Portuguese
Wakiilka iibka
Habita Turku

Johanna Loukamaa

English Finnish Spanish
Wakiilka iibka
Habita Turku

Mika Pärssinen

English Finnish
Maamulaha gobolka
Habita Turku
Aqoonta hantida maguurtada ah ee Finland, KHK, AKA

Pyry Randelin

English Finnish German Swedish
Wakiilka guryaha
Habita Turku
Aqoonta hantida maguurtada ah ee Finland, Nootaayo

Nea Ruuskanen

English Finnish
Kaaliyaha iibka
Habita Turku
Aqoonta hantida maguurtada ah ee Finland

Kharashyada adeegga

Guddiyada dallaalka

Iibiyaha komishanka dilaalka, hantida 4,96 % (inc. VAT) min. 3.500 €
Samaynta qandaraas iibka 390 €
Iibiyaha guddiga dallaalka, qaybsiga iskaashatada guryeynta 4,26% (inc. VAT) min. 3.200 €

Kharashyada kale

Qiimaynta qoran ee saamiga iskaashatada guryeynta Laga bilaabo 744 € (inc VAT) + khidmadaha dukumeentiga
Qiimaynta qoran ee hantida Laga bilaabo 1240 € (inc VAT) + khidmadaha dukumeentiga
Lacagta kirada Kirada 1 bil + VAT 24 %. Ugu yaraan 496 € (inc. VAT).

Kharashka waxaa laga xisaabiyaa qiimaha aan deynta lahayn. Kharashaadka dukumeentiga sharciga ah ayaa si gaar ah loo dalaci doonaa