Xafiisyada Habita
Habita Palokka-Jyväskylä
Real estate agency in Jyväskylä and Central Finland
Welcome to Palokka shopping center to discuss all matters related to changing your home with our knowledgeable and sales-minded brokers. Let's see together how you can get the best possible price for your apartment with our help. It is important to us to do things right from the first meeting and to offer our customers high-quality and efficient service, whether it is the sale, purchase or rental of real estate, an apartment, a holiday home or a business premises.
Experienced Real Estate Agents in Jyväskylä
We have expertise from the smallest apartments and cottages to large real estate complexes, offices and especially new construction. Our trained and experienced brokers will help you in all steps of the housing transaction.
Prpperty price evaluation
You will receive a free property evaluation from us, where we will tell you how the property should be sold and what should be taken into account when the sale proceeds. Our package always includes a professional real estate agent or sales negotiator to help with real estate brokerage.
Selling the apartment efficiently
Habita's brokers work together to advertise apartments for sale to potential buyers. Habita also markets apartments for sale through its comprehensive customer register, where thousands are looking for a new apartment. We guarantee effective marketing of the apartment and active presentation of the property. Real estate agents also handle all the necessary documents for the apartment sale.
Welcome to our office or give us a call, and we'll fix your housing issues at once.

Guriga beddelka
Heshiis weyn, waan kuu fududaynaynaa.
Wakiiladayada hantida maguurtada ah waxay kuugu adeegaan si xirfad leh dhammaan arrimaha guryaha. Iib, iibi ama kirayso, na weydiiso qiime tartan oo bilaash ah. Waxaan kuugu adeegaynaa si shakhsi ah oo kalsooni leh. Iskaashiga caalamiga ah ee xafisyada Habit waxay dabooshaa goobaha gudaha iyo dibaddaba
Macluumaadka xiriirka
Saarijärventie 50-52 lt.16
40270 Palokka
010 5855 552
Liv LKV Oy, Habita Palokka-Jyväskylä
Aqoonsiga ganacsiga: 2646370-8

Ma xiisaynaysaa qiimaynta guriga ee bilaashka ah?
- Buuxi foomka hoose waxaana qabanqaabin doonaa kulan.
- Wakiilkayagu waxa uu kula soo xidhiidhi doonaa daahid la'aan waxaanu kuu qabanqaabin doonaa booqasho qiimayn ah wakhtiga adiga kugu habboon.
- Waxaan u diyaarinaa qorshaha iibka booqashada qiimaynta, si aan u bilaabi karno iibinta guriga marka ugu horeysa ee kugu habboon.
Foomka xiriirka
Vili Leinonen
Jaana Valli
Daniel Hakasaari
Atte Hatakka
Janette Saarikko
Guryaha ugu dambeeyay
Kharashyada adeegga
Guddiyada dallaalka
Iibiyaha komishanka dilaalka, hantida | 4,96 % (inc. VAT) min. 3.500 € |
Samaynta qandaraas iibka | 390 € |
Iibiyaha guddiga dallaalka, qaybsiga iskaashatada guryeynta | 4,26% (inc. VAT) min. 3.200 € |
Kharashyada kale
Qiimaynta qoran ee saamiga iskaashatada guryeynta | Laga bilaabo 744 € (inc VAT) + khidmadaha dukumeentiga |
Qiimaynta qoran ee hantida | Laga bilaabo 1240 € (inc VAT) + khidmadaha dukumeentiga |
Lacagta kirada | Kirada 1 bil + VAT 24 %. Ugu yaraan 496 € (inc. VAT). |
Kharashka waxaa laga xisaabiyaa qiimaha aan deynta lahayn. Kharashaadka dukumeentiga sharciga ah ayaa si gaar ah loo dalaci doonaa