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With its mild climate, 3000 hours of sunshine per year and 1.230 kms of splendid coastline bathed by the Atlantic Ocean, Portugal is the perfect destination all year round, perfect for Real Estate Investment. This is a country that has the oldest borders in Europe, with an exceptional range of different landscapes just a short distance away, lots of leisure activities and a unique cultural heritage, where tradition and modernity blend together in perfect harmony, especially in Lisboa, epicentre of the discoveries since the 15th century, the city is the meeting point of the most diverse cultures, the first place where East, Indies, Africa and the Americas met. Portuguese cuisine, fine wines and hospitable people are worldwide recognized. Situated in the extreme south-west of Europe, just a few hours from any of the other European capitals, Portugal attracts visitors from all over the world. The climate in Portugal varies considerably from one region to another and is influenced by the relief, latitude and proximity to the sea, which offers mild winters and hot summers, especially in the southern Portugal, Algarve, home to some of the most beautiful beaches in the world and is regularly voted as the best golf & beach destination in Europe.

Guri go'an

Xafiisyada ku yaala Portugal

Habita Algarve

Habita Algarve

Av. Tomaz Cabreira, Edificio Dom Quixote, Loja D. Praia De Rocha
8500-802 Portimão

Kharashyada adeegga

Markaan kula saxiixano qandaraas wakiilnimo, waxaan ilaalineynaa wax walba bilow ilaa dhamaad. Uma baahnid inaad ka walwasho inaad wax xasuusato, tani waa shaqadeena maalinlaha ah waxaana tan sameynay tobanaan sano. Qaab dhismeedka khidmadahayagu gabi ahaanba waa daah-furan mana hayno kharashyo qarsoon. Tusaale ahaan, waxaan ku dallacaa waraaqaha rasmiga ah iyadoon wax kharash ah lagu darin.

Gacan qaad

Guddiyada dallaalka

Samaynta qandaraas iibka 5 %

Kharashka waxaa laga xisaabiyaa qiimaha aan deynta lahayn. Kharashaadka dukumeentiga sharciga ah ayaa si gaar ah loo dalaci doonaa

Waxaan u isticmaalnaa cookies si aan u helno adeeg wanaagsan

Waxaan isticmaalnaa cookies iyo teknoolojiyadda kale si aan u wanaajino khibradaada boggayaga oo aan ku tuso macluumaadka la gaaryeelay. Dareen xor u ah inaad beddesho oggolaanshahaaga wakhti kasta.

Shuruudaha isticmaalka iyo siyaasadda gaarka ah
Dhammaan diid
Kaliya loo baahan yahay

Had iyo jeer firfircoon

Xayeysiiska & Suuqgeynta