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Sell or rent your real estate in Estonia

Habita real estate agency was founded in Finland, Helsinki, in 1989, and it is the biggest private real estate agency in Finland with 30 offices around the country. The agency grows and expands quickly beyond Finland, and today, besides 30 offices in Finland, we have already opened 30 Habita offices around Europe and the whole world. One of them is in Estonia, Tallinn.

A reliable and professional real estate agent in Estonia

Our Estonian real estate agents have extensive, over 15 years’ experience in real estate transactions, and we offer the following services in Tallinn and in Estonia:

• purchase and sale of residential real estate

• lease of residential real estate

• purchase and sale of commercial real estate

• lease of commercial real estate

• rental property management

• free consultation and calculation of the cost of your property and giving selling advice.

We offer service in your own language

Selling an apartment is the biggest and most important deal in life for many people. But a language barrier can often cause a deal to fail. That is why our team is able to speak different languages and will be able to assist throughout the sale or rent of a property to foreign buyers and tenants.

Selling and renting your property through internal and international sites gives a big advantage

Our experienced real estate agents do everything to make the process of selling or renting your property smooth and quick, and in order to speed up the process of selling or renting, we will advertise your property not only on the local, Estonian, market, but also on 120 international real estate websites, where Habita has offices. Besides that, the colleagues of every Habita office cooperate with each other, thus making sure that the international clients can also reach the local real estate market and get the best service.

Guri go'an

Xafiisyada ku yaala Estonia

Kharashyada adeegga

Markaan kula saxiixano qandaraas wakiilnimo, waxaan ilaalineynaa wax walba bilow ilaa dhamaad. Uma baahnid inaad ka walwasho inaad wax xasuusato, tani waa shaqadeena maalinlaha ah waxaana tan sameynay tobanaan sano. Qaab dhismeedka khidmadahayagu gabi ahaanba waa daah-furan mana hayno kharashyo qarsoon. Tusaale ahaan, waxaan ku dallacaa waraaqaha rasmiga ah iyadoon wax kharash ah lagu darin.

Gacan qaad

Guddiyada dallaalka

Iibiyaha komishanka dilaalka, hantida 4,5% (plus VAT) min. 3.000 € (plus VAT)
Iibsadaha komishanka dilaaliinta, qaybsiga iskaashatada guryaynta 4,5% (plus VAT) min. 3.000 € (plus VAT)
Iibiyaha komishanka dilaalka, hantida 4,5% (plus VAT) min. 3.000 € (plus VAT)
Iibiyaha guddiga dallaalka, qaybsiga iskaashatada guryeynta 4,5% (plus VAT) min. 3.000 € (plus VAT)

Kharashyada kale

Lacagta kirada Kirada hal bil + VAT
Kharashyada kale Adeegyada maamulka hantida kirada - 1 bil oo kiradood ah + VAT

Kharashka waxaa laga xisaabiyaa qiimaha aan deynta lahayn. Kharashaadka dukumeentiga sharciga ah ayaa si gaar ah loo dalaci doonaa