Płoskie 402
22-400 Zamość, Płoskie
A business with great potential and ready to continue as a hotel business for about 50 people and a wedding/restaurant business for about 300 people or any other according to your idea and needs. Marketing facilities: on booking, google, customer base. The property is located a few kilometres from the town of Zamość which is one of the biggest cultural, educational and tourist centres in the voivodeship, especially in the Zamość region. Due to the unique architectural and urban complex of the Old Town, it is sometimes referred to as the "Pearl of the Renaissance", the "City of
房产登记号 | 658233 |
销售价格 | PLN 3,500,000 (¥6,219,728) |
类型 | 商业空间 , 餐厅, 护理空间, 寓所 |
楼层 | 1 |
商业房产楼层 | 1000 |
总面积 | 1250 平方米 |
测量结果已核验 | 否 |
测量结果基于 | 由业主给出的信息 |
条件 | 良好 |
空缺 | 按照合同 |
建造已开始 | 1998 |
建设年份 | 2008 |
落成典礼 | 2008 |
地板 | 1 |
电梯 | 否 |
屋顶类型 | 人字形屋顶 |
能源证书类别 | 没有法律规定的能源证书 |
供暖 | 太阳能供暖, 供暖壁炉或火炉 |
建筑材料 | 木材, 砖块 |
屋顶材料 | 薄钢板 |
立面材料 | 石膏 |
停车场数量 | 30 |
建筑物数量 | 3 |
地形 | 平地 |
海岸线 | 2900 米 |
道路 | 是 |
土地所有权 | 自有 |
规划情况 | 详图 |
市政工程 | 水, 下水道, 电力, 燃气 |
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