Varšavas iela 28, Daugavpils
5404 Daugavpils
The Daugavpils Shot Factory is the only ammunition production factory in the Baltic which is open for tourists and where you can see the oldest shot casting tower in Europe, which is functioning also nowadays. The entire production part is newly insulated, without height bridges. 30 cm of cotton wool on the roof, 10 cm on the walls above 50 cm silicate bricks. Recovery equipment. Exchange of warm air to reduce heating in winter. Tower with old equipment. Equipment from the 19th and 20th centuries. Only in Latvia, the Baltics, Eastern Europe, maybe even in the world. Invest in history.
房产登记号 | 654449 |
销售价格 | €250,000 (¥1,907,282) |
类型 | 办公室, 商业空间 , 仓库, 生产设施, 工作空间 , 车库 |
楼层 | 2 |
商业房产楼层 | 1 |
总面积 | 2000 平方米 |
测量结果已核验 | 否 |
测量结果基于 | 由业主给出的信息 |
条件 | 令人满意 |
特点 | 电流, 房间自来水, 开放式办公室 |
建设年份 | 1886 |
落成典礼 | 2005 |
地板 | 3 |
电梯 | 否 |
能源证书类别 | A |
供暖 | 空气源热泵 |
建筑材料 | 砖块, 西波来克斯材料 |
屋顶材料 | 薄钢板 |
立面材料 | 混凝土, 砖砌体墙板 |
公共区域 | 设备存储, 储藏室, 技工室, 烘干室 |
地形 | 平地 |
道路 | 是 |
土地所有权 | 自有 |
规划情况 | 总体规划 |
市政工程 | 水, 下水道, 电力 |
供暖 | 600 € / 月份 (4,577.48 ¥) (估算) |
公证人 | €300 (¥2,289) (估算) |
注册费 | €23 (¥175) |
转让税 | 4 % (估算) |
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