Rigas 39
3901 Bauska
The property includes a building complex with a brewery, which is one of the few breweries in Latvia that operated in historic buildings built several centuries ago. The total territory of the property consists of more than 10 buildings with a total land area of 6,426 m2 and a total total area of ~ 7,600 m2. Located in the Bauska Nature Park and its pride is the historical underground cellars where beer was fermented. Uncountable huge cellars where one can keep breweries. Integrate Beer Spa with production to make it attractive for tourists. Enormous potential with a best view in town.
房产登记号 | 643681 |
销售价格 | €2,490,000 (¥18,996,531) |
类型 | 商业空间 , 仓库, 餐厅, 建筑工地, 寓所 |
楼层 | 5 |
商业房产楼层 | 5 |
总面积 | 7600 平方米 |
测量结果已核验 | 否 |
测量结果基于 | 由业主给出的信息 |
条件 | 令人满意 |
特点 | 电梯, 电流, 高门 |
附加信息 | The total amount of premises and equipment consists of a fully equipped factory |
建造已开始 | 1873 |
建设年份 | 2016 |
落成典礼 | 2016 |
地板 | 5 |
电梯 | 否 |
能源证书类别 | 没有法律规定的能源证书 |
建筑材料 | 砖块 |
地块地区 | 6426 平方米 |
建筑物数量 | 10 |
地形 | 平地 |
道路 | 是 |
土地所有权 | 自有 |
规划情况 | 总体规划 |
建筑物产权 | 7600 平方米 |
市政工程 | 水, 下水道, 电力 |
维护 | 500 € / 月份 (3,814.56 ¥) (估算) |
注册费 | 4 % |
公证人 | €500 (¥3,815) (估算) |
注册费 | €100 (¥763) (估算) |
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