Sinikalliontie 10
02630 Espoo, Mankkaa
Versatility is the foremost asset of the Sinikalliontie office property located in the lush Espoo surroundings. The spaces can be flexibly converted to the tenant's requirements. Can be divided into 177m² and 426m² areas. Sinikalliontie is easy to access by car, since it is only a couple of minutes away from Turunväylä. The location between the Kehä I and Kehä II ring roads is excellent.The property is owned by Sponda.
Sinikalliontie 10
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Detail dasar
Nomor daftar | 629278 |
Biaya sewa | 0 € / bulan (0 Rp) |
Masa kontrak | Pasti |
Jenis | Kantor |
Lantai | 3 |
Lantai komersial | 1 |
luas keseluruhan | 593 m² |
Pengukuran diverifikasi | TIDAK |
Pengukuran berdasarkan | Anggaran Dasar |
Kondisi | Bagus |
Lowongan dari | Immediately available |
Detail bangunan dan properti
Tahun konstruksi | 1986 |
Inaugurasi | 1986 |
Lantai | 8 |
Mengangkat | Ya |
Kelas sertifikat energi | D , 2007 |
Medan | Datar |
Jalan | Ya |
Kepemilikan tanah | Memiliki |
Situasi perencanaan | Rencana terperinci |
Rekayasa kota | Air, saluran pembuangan, Listrik, Pemanasan distrik |