قائمة                                                              قائمة

البحث عن طريق الرقم المرجعي

Erottajankatu 5

An office and retail property with historical dignity in a green location in the heart of Helsinki. The property overlooks the lush Diana Park next door and the Diana Auditorium is located in the courtyard of the property. The services of the Iso Roobertinkatu restaurant center can be found nearby and the trendy shops of Punavuori and all the services of the city center are within walking distance. All downtown amenities are within walking distance. Propertty is owned by Sponda.

. المرجع المشروع 306
موقعك Erottajankatu 5, 00130 Helsinki, Kaartinkaupunki

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  3. سيتصل بك أحد الوكلاء ليخبرك المزيد عن المشروع

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