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البحث عن طريق الرقم المرجعي

Ruosilantie 14

Ruosilantie 14 is a warehouse and office property built in 1971 and renovated in 2000-2001. It has a great location in Konala at its heart. The facilities can be converted for many uses. Plenty of parking space in the property's gated courtyard. The property has a lunch restaurant, sauna area and social facilities. Possibility to rent storage space in the vicinity of the ground floor loading dock. The property is located in the immediate vicinity of Vihdintie and within easy reach of Ring Road I. Konala has good bus connections and Malminkartano Train Station is 1.3 km away.

. المرجع المشروع 365
موقعك Ruosilantie 14, 00390 Helsinki, Konala

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