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البحث عن طريق الرقم المرجعي

Upseerinkatu 1

Office facilities near Leppävaara station: Upseerin Avec is located in a visible area next to Ring I and the railroad, in the immediate vicinity of Turuntie. The property is easily accessed by public transport. The dense frequency of city line buses and the Jokeri line buses offer excellent means of transport for workers, and the Leppävaara train station is only a five minute walk away. The excellent services of the Sello shopping center are within walking distance. The customer’s everyday life is mitigated by the lobby service, lunch restaurant, the fitness center swimming pool, and well equipped conference rooms and sauna. The property is owned by Sponda.

. المرجع المشروع 334
موقعك Upseerinkatu 1, 02600 Espoo, Leppävaara

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