قائمة                                                              قائمة

البحث عن طريق الرقم المرجعي


Hakkilankaari is a functioning logistics/storage property, which also has office space on the second floor. At best, the warehouses of the site have a free height of almost 11 meters and a large enough yard area for even large transport equipment. Two entry gates facilitate movement. The property has a renovated roof (solar panels) and ventilation and heating. The floor bearing capacity is 20-40 kN/m².

. المرجع المشروع 1019
موقعك Hakkilankaari 1, 01380 Vantaa, Hakkila

Timo Ahonen

English Finnish
وكيل عقاري
Habita Finland
التأهيل العقاري الفنلندي

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