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Single-family house

03170 Rojales, Ciudad Quesada

Property from Spain

Fantastic detached house / villa available in Ciudad Quesada. Unique in style and essence. Spanish: Enorme Villa / Villa de lujo en Ciudad Quesada con vistas. The house is built with high quality and durability in mind. In the garden, there are trees and shrubs selected by a gardener, as well as a private swimming pool. The area enjoys a Mediterranean climate, which means long sunny days and mild, enjoyable winters without snow. Within a short distance, there are many beach spots. Spain hosts several different events and festivals where you can spend enjoyable time.

Teppo Alanko

English Finnish Spanish
Real Estate Agent
Habita Costa Blanca
Finnish real estate qualification, Notary
Selling price
€680,000 (₦1,135,275,352)
Living area
364 m²

Basic details

Listing number 657661
Selling price €680,000 (₦1,135,275,352)
Rooms 7
Bedrooms 5
Bathrooms 4
Living area 364 m²
Description of living spaces 5 bedrooms, 2 living rooms, 2 kitchens, 4 bathrooms, sauna.
Description of other spaces 80 square meters terrace
Area description Spanish measurement units for area may differ from those in your country
Measurements verified No
Measurements based on Information given by owner
Floor 1
Residential floors 3
Condition Good
Vacancy from According to contract
Parking Parking space, Courtyard parking
Is located on ground level Yes
Is located on highest floor Yes
Features Furnished, Air source heat pump, Fireplace, Boiler
Spaces Bedroom: 5 bedrooms
Living room: 2 living rooms
Kitchen: 2 kitchens
Bathroom: 4 bathrooms
Swimming pool
Views Yard, Backyard, Front yard, Private courtyard, Neighbourhood, Nature, Swimming pool
Storages Cabinet, Closet/closets
Telecommunications Digital TV
Floor surfaces Laminate, Tile
Wall surfaces Paint
Bathroom surfaces Tile
Kitchen equipments Ceramic stove, Freezer refrigerator, Cabinetry, Dishwasher, Separate oven
Bathroom equipments Shower, Underfloor heating, Cabinet, Sink, Toilet seat, Mirror
Utility room equipments Washing machine connection
Additional information Did you know that together with Habita Costa Blanca professionals, you can also search for properties from over 600 local colleagues - at the exact same price as they sell - but in clear Finnish? And of course, all new development properties too. On our website, only a very small fraction of the properties are visible. And all of this works both ways - when you have a property for sale here - we might not necessarily reach the buyer alone, but a colleague can help.

Building and property details

Construction year 1987
Inauguration 1987
Floors 3
Lift No
Roof type Flat roof
Ventilation Natural ventilation
Energy certificate class No energy certificate required by law
Heating Furnace or fireplace heating, Underfloor heating, Air-source heat pump
Building materials Brick
Roof materials Concrete tile
Facade materials Brickwork siding, Stone
Common areas Swimming pool
Lot area 850 m²
Terrain Flat
Road Yes
Land ownership Own
Planning situation Detailed plan
Municipality engineering Water, Sewer, Electricity


Hospital 11 km  
Grocery store 1 km  
Restaurant 0.2 km  
Horseback riding 3 km  

Public transportation access

Airport 40 km  
Cycle path  


Property tax 900 € / year (1,502,570.32 ₦) (estimate)

Purchase costs

Transfer tax 10 %
Other costs €7,500 (₦12,521,419) (Estimate)

This is how the buying of your property starts

  1. Fill out the short form and we will arrange a meeting
  2. Our representative will contact you without delay and arrage a meeting.

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