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Single-family house, Luhalahdentie 347

39590 Tevaniemi, Ikaalinen

Main building, barn/sauna, hall and granary

Located in Ikaalinen Tevaniemi, amidst beautiful fields and forest landscapes, this magnificent farm complex is located on a plot of about 1.5 hectares. The main building, built at the end of the 19th century, exudes the atmosphere of the past and offers space for a larger family. The cozy and spacious kitchen-living room is equipped with a baking oven, wood and electric stoves and modern appliances, and the life of the home is naturally built around it. Five rooms offer a wide range of possibilities for both living and remote work. The buildings form a charming courtyard, thanks to which the courtyard is sheltered and peaceful. Summer days can be enjoyed in the courtyard greenhouse, which serves not only as a place for cultivation, but also as an atmospheric space for spending time with friends. In addition, the farm has a traditional barn and sauna building with a wood-burning sauna, a fireplace room and plenty of storage space. The hall building as well as the granary bring additional space options for different uses. The buildings have been kept up to date over the years. The heating system is powered by pellet heating and two air heat pumps have been installed to support it in 2022. The windows are three-story and some of them have been renovated in the early 2000s. The roof truss and the water and sewer pipes were mostly renovated in the 1990s. This unique ensemble is perfect as a permanent home as well as a place for leisure. It combines spacious living, proximity to nature and diverse opportunities for hobbies or small-scale farming. Tevaniemi school and group family kindergarten to Leppi about 3.5 km, to S- and K-Market Parkano about 16 km, to the center of Ikaalinen about 20 kilometers and to the center of Tampere about 70 kilometers.

Jaakko Parikka

Real Estate Agent
Habita Tampere
Finnish real estate qualification, LVV
Selling price
€169,000 (Ksh 22,745,251)
Living area
180 m²

Basic details

Listing number 664211
Selling price €169,000 (Ksh 22,745,251)
Rooms 5
Bedrooms 4
Bathrooms 1
Bathrooms with toilet 1
Living area 180 m²
Measurements verified No
Measurements based on Information given by owner
Floor 1
Residential floors 1
Condition Satisfactory
Vacancy from Quickly released after trading
Parking Courtyard parking, Parking garage
Features Triple glazzed windows, Air source heat pump, Fireplace, Boiler
Spaces Bedroom
Utility room
Living room
Views Private courtyard, Countryside, Nature
Storages Cabinet, Closet/closets, Outdoor storage, Attic
Telecommunications Antenna
Floor surfaces Wood
Wall surfaces Wood, Tile, Wall paper
Bathroom surfaces Tile, Wood paneling
Kitchen equipments Electric stove, Oven, Freezer refrigerator, Cabinetry, Dishwasher
Bathroom equipments Shower, Cabinet, Sink, Shower wall, Toilet seat, Water boiler, Mirror
Utility room equipments Washing machine connection
Inspections Condition assessment (10 Jun 2015)
Asbestos survey The building was built before 1994 and an asbestos survey has not been performed.
Description 5h, apartment, kph/wc, barn/sauna, hall, cellar

Building and property details

Construction year 1890
Inauguration 1890
Floors 1
Lift No
Roof type Gable roof
Ventilation Natural ventilation
Energy certificate class No energy certificate required by law
Heating Central water heating, Wood and pellet heating, Furnace or fireplace heating, Air-source heat pump
Building materials Wood, Log
Roof materials Sheet metal
Facade materials Wood
Renovations Heating 2022 (Done)
Windows 2000 (Done)
Roof 1998 (Done)
Water pipes 1990 (Done)
Sewers 1990 (Done)
Property reference number 143-405-3-29
Property tax per year 740 €
99,594.59 KSh
Encumbrances 314,409.4 € (42,315,506.58 KSh)
Lot area 15790 m²
Number of buildings 4
Terrain Flat
Road Yes
Land ownership Own
Planning situation No plan
Municipality engineering Water, Electricity


Heating 146 € / month (19,649.74 KSh) (estimate)
Garbage 15 € / month (2,018.81 KSh)
Water 15 € / month (2,018.81 KSh) / person (estimate)
Other 400 € / year (53,834.91 KSh) (estimate)
Electricity 72 € / month (9,690.28 KSh) (estimate)

Purchase costs

Transfer tax 3 %

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