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Blok apartemen, Rua Estrela do Mar

8500-510 Portimão, Praia da Rocha

T2 Duplex with large terraces and sea view

Located in the heart of Vale das Hortas, Portimão, this spacious 2-bedroom ( both em suite ) duplex ( 2 floors) apartment with huge terraces offers a perfect blend of comfort and convenience. With good size living area, large open terrace with the barbeque, this apartment is ideal for those seeking a home. The property boasts 2 full bathroom upstairs plus one guest toilet downstairs making it an excellent choice for families or holiday makers. Enjoy stunning views of the sea, neighbourhood and nature from the comfort of your own home. Parking space is available in a secure garage with elevator for easy access. There is large gardens and big communal swimming pool to enjoy also. Property Portimão's Praia da Rocha district, with its beautiful beaches and vibrant atmosphere, and enjoy the benefits of living in the Algarve region, known for its mild climate and stunning natural beauty.

Harga penjualan
€369.000 (Rp 6.523.821.115)
Kamar tidur
Kamar mandi
Ruang tamu
119.5 m²

Detail dasar

Nomor daftar 665181
Harga penjualan €369.000 (Rp 6.523.821.115)
Kamar 4
Kamar tidur 2
Kamar mandi 2
Toilet 3
Kamar mandi dengan toilet 3
Ruang tamu 119.5 m²
luas keseluruhan 153.1 m²
Luas ruang lainnya 33.6 m²
Deskripsi ruang hidup Downstairs hallway, quest toilet, kitchen and comfy living room with the access to the terraces, where views to the sea , swimming pool, mountains and the neihbourhood. Upstairs 2 bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms.
Deskripsi ruang lain Gated communal swimming pool area, large gardens and parking spaces in the garage.
Pengukuran diverifikasi TIDAK
Pengukuran berdasarkan Sertifikat kadaster
Lantai 4
Lantai perumahan 2
Kondisi Memuaskan
Parkir Tempat parkir, Garasi parkir, Parkir jalanan
Fitur Berperabot, AC, Jendela berlapis ganda, Pompa panas sumber udara
Tampilan Halaman depan, Kebun, Lingkungan, Kota, Pegunungan, Laut, Alam, Kolam renang
Penyimpanan Pakaian
Permukaan lantai Ubin keramik
Permukaan dinding Cat
Permukaan kamar mandi Ubin keramik
Peralatan dapur Kompor listrik, Oven , Kulkas freezer, Lemari, Kap dapur, Mesin pencuci piring, Mesin cuci, Sambungan mesin cuci
Keterangan Large communal swimming pool, private parking,gardens, easy access to beaches and all services.

Detail bangunan dan properti

Tahun konstruksi 2003
Inaugurasi 2004
Lantai 10
Mengangkat Ya
Kelas sertifikat energi D
Jumlah tempat parkir 1
Jumlah bangunan 1
Medan Datar
Jalan Ya
Kepemilikan tanah Memiliki
Situasi perencanaan Rencana umum
Rekayasa kota Air, saluran pembuangan, Listrik, Gas

Kelas sertifikat energi



Pusat perbelanjaan 1 km  
Toko kelontong 1 km  
Pantai 0.6 km  
Restoran 0.1 km  
RSUD 4 km  
Marina 2 km  
Golf 1.5 km  


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