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Rumah petak/rumah bertingkat, Rr.Sadik Zotaj

9401 Vlorë Qender, Vlora

Apartment 3+1+2

Experience the best of Vlorë living in this beautiful 3+1 apartment, located in the heart of the city. This newly built property boasts a large living area of 96.5 sqm, with 112.5 sqm of built area and 16 sqm of additional space. The apartment has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and a balcony, making it the perfect retreat after a day. Enjoy the warmth of electric heating and the convenience of parking in the yard. With its Class A energy certificate and 9 floors, this property is not only comfortable but also environmentally friendly. Take advantage of the city's rich history and cultural heritage, with the historic area just a short walk away.

Harga penjualan
€154.200 (Rp 2.645.580.705)
Kamar tidur
Kamar mandi
Ruang tamu
112.5 m²

Detail dasar

Nomor daftar 665135
Konstruksi baru Ya
Harga penjualan €154.200 (Rp 2.645.580.705)
Kamar 4
Kamar tidur 3
Kamar mandi 2
Ruang tamu 112.5 m²
luas keseluruhan 128.5 m²
Luas ruang lainnya 16 m²
Deskripsi ruang hidup Apartment 3+1 Vlore close to the historical area of ​​the city. The spaces are large and illuminated by sunlight. The apartment is new, unfurnished and has 2 bathrooms and a balcony.
Deskripsi wilayah The apartment is located in the historical area of ​​the city. The area is quiet and surrounded by all amenities for a better life, such as bars, restaurants, pharmacies, schools, kindergartens, supermarkets. Parking in the courtyard of the palace.
Pengukuran diverifikasi Ya
Pengukuran berdasarkan Sertifikat kadaster
Lantai 7
Lantai perumahan 9
Kondisi Baru
Parkir Parkir halaman
Fitur Berperabot
Tampilan Halaman, Halaman dalam, Lingkungan, Jalan, Kota, Pegunungan
Telekomunikasi televisi digital, TV Kabel, televisi satelit, Internet , Internet serat optik, Internet kabel, Antena
Permukaan lantai Ubin keramik, Konkret
Permukaan dinding Ubin keramik, Ubin, Cat
Permukaan kamar mandi Ubin, Ubin keramik
Peralatan ruang utilitas Sambungan mesin cuci

Detail bangunan dan properti

Konstruksi dimulai 2013
Tahun konstruksi 2017
Inaugurasi 2018
Lantai 9
Mengangkat Ya
Kelas sertifikat energi A
Pemanas Pemanasan listrik
Bahan bangunan Bata, Konkret, Catatan
Bahan atap Lembaran logam, Ubin keramik, Ubin beton
Bahan fasad Konkret, Kayu, Plester, Elemen beton, Batu
Medan Datar
Jalan Ya
Kepemilikan tanah Persewaan
Situasi perencanaan Rencana terperinci
Rekayasa kota Air, saluran pembuangan, Listrik


Air 10 € / bulan (171.568,14 Rp)
Pemeliharaan 100 € / bulan (1.715.681,39 Rp)
Listrik 30 € / bulan (514.704,42 Rp)

Biaya pembelian

Pajak transfer 1 %

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