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Rumah petak/rumah bertingkat, Rr. Dhimiter Konomi

9402 Vlorë, Uji i Ftohte

Apartment 2+1 Lungomare Vlore

Experience the best of Vlorë living in this gorgeous 2+1 apartment on the waterfront. Located in the heart of Uji i Ftohte, this brand new property offers large spaces, illuminated by sunlight, and a large balcony to enjoy your free hours. The apartment has two bathrooms, one inside the bedroom, and is not furnished but designed for a modern and comfortable style. With 8 floors of row houses, this building offers a safe and convenient living experience. Enjoy the beautiful view of the courtyard, the neighborhood, the countryside, the forest and the mountains. Parking is available in a courtyard. This property is a great opportunity to own a piece of Vlora's charm, with its unique blend of natural beauty and urban convenience.

Harga penjualan
€145.000 (Rp 2.497.185.769)
Kamar tidur
Kamar mandi
Ruang tamu
104.7 m²

Detail dasar

Nomor daftar 665019
Konstruksi baru Ya
Harga penjualan €145.000 (Rp 2.497.185.769)
Kamar 3
Kamar tidur 2
Kamar mandi 2
Ruang tamu 104.7 m²
luas keseluruhan 116 m²
Luas ruang lainnya 11.3 m²
Deskripsi ruang hidup 2+1 apartment on the promenade. The apartment is new with large spaces and lit by sunlight. The environment also has a spacious balcony to enjoy the free hours. The apartment has two bathrooms, one of which is inside the bedroom. The house is unfurnished but has the spaces for a modern and comfortable style.
Deskripsi wilayah The area where the equipment is located is along the promenade. One of the most frequented areas of the city due to the fact that it is close to the city's beaches. Surrounded by bars, restaurants, pharmacies, supermarkets. Parking in the courtyard of the palace.
Pengukuran diverifikasi Ya
Pengukuran berdasarkan Sertifikat kadaster
Lantai 1
Lantai perumahan 8
Kondisi Baru
Parkir Parkir halaman
Fitur Berperabot
Tampilan Halaman, Lingkungan, Pedesaan, Hutan, Pegunungan
Telekomunikasi televisi, televisi digital, TV Kabel, televisi satelit, Internet , Internet serat optik
Permukaan lantai Memecahkan dlm lapisan tipis, Ubin, Ubin keramik, Konkret
Permukaan dinding Ubin keramik, Ubin, Konkret, Catatan, Cat
Permukaan kamar mandi Ubin, Ubin keramik, Konkret
Peralatan kamar mandi Mandi, Sambungan mesin cuci, Ruang untuk mesin cuci, Tenggelam, Tempat duduk toilet, Ketel air
Peralatan ruang utilitas Sambungan mesin cuci

Detail bangunan dan properti

Tahun konstruksi 2016
Inaugurasi 2017
Lantai 8
Mengangkat Ya
Kelas sertifikat energi A
Pemanas Pemanasan listrik
Bahan bangunan Bata, Konkret, Catatan
Bahan atap Lembaran logam, Ubin keramik, Ubin beton
Bahan fasad Konkret, Plester, Dinding bata, Elemen beton, Batu
Medan Datar
Jalan Ya
Kepemilikan tanah Memiliki
Situasi perencanaan Rencana terperinci
Rekayasa kota Air, saluran pembuangan, Listrik


Pemeliharaan 100 € / bulan (1.722.197,08 Rp)
Listrik 30 € / bulan (516.659,12 Rp)
Electricity bill
Air 10 € / bulan (172.219,71 Rp)
Water bill

Biaya pembelian

Pajak transfer 1 %

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