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Rumah semi terpisah, Pesukarhuntie 2

06750 Tolkkinen

Open/oh, 3mh, kph, 2wc, khh, s

Stunning semi-detached apartment in Tolkkis in Porvoo — home to be completed in autumn near the sea! Welcome to visit this modern and stylish semi-detached apartment, which will be completed this autumn on the west side of Porvoo, right by the sea in Tolkkis, on a plot on the southern slope just 300 metres from the beach. Part of the season from the balcony is digested by the sea! Features: Living space on one level — 3 rooms, open plan kitchen/living room The apartment has a spacious balcony of more than 42 square meters — the perfect place to soak up the sun, eat or relax Water circulating underfloor heating in residential premises, exhaust air heat pump Downstairs separate small double bedroom comprising 2 rooms, kitchen, shower, toilet. Apartment with electric underfloor heating and a very spacious, 44.5 m² garage Car charging reservation both in the garage and in the outer wall Great location, just 300 m from the seafront — quiet but central location This charming semi-detached apartment offers the perfect combination of modern living comfort and proximity to nature. Don't miss out on this wonderful opportunity — book your own introduction time and come see the home of your dreams!

Valtteri Salmi

English Finnish Swedish
Manajer penjualan
Habita Porvoo
Kualifikasi real estat Finlandia
Harga penjualan
€597.500 (Rp 10.307.593.022)
Kamar tidur
Kamar mandi
Ruang tamu
136 m²

Detail dasar

Nomor daftar 664873
Konstruksi baru Ya (Sedang dibangun)
Harga penjualan €597.500 (Rp 10.307.593.022)
Kamar 4
Kamar tidur 4
Kamar mandi 2
Toilet 3
Kamar mandi dengan toilet 1
Kamar mandi tanpa toilet 1
Ruang tamu 136 m²
luas keseluruhan 182.5 m²
Luas ruang lainnya 46.5 m²
Pengukuran diverifikasi TIDAK
Pengukuran berdasarkan Rencana pembangunan
Lantai 1
Lantai perumahan 2
Kondisi Baru
Lowongan dari Estimated completion time 1.8.2025
Parkir Parkir halaman, Garasi
Fitur Jendela berlapis tiga
Spasi Dapur terbuka
Ruang tamu
Kamar tidur
Kamar mandi
Ruang utilitas
Tampilan Halaman belakang, Halaman depan, Lingkungan, Jalan
Penyimpanan Kabinet
Permukaan lantai Memecahkan dlm lapisan tipis, Ubin
Permukaan dinding Cat
Permukaan kamar mandi Ubin
Peralatan dapur Kompor induksi, Lemari es, Freezer , Lemari, Mesin pencuci piring, Oven terpisah, gelombang mikro
Peralatan kamar mandi Mandi, Pemanasan di bawah lantai yang bersinar, Tempat duduk toilet
Peralatan ruang utilitas Sambungan mesin cuci, Tenggelam
Keterangan Open/h, 3mh, kph, 2wc, khh, s, basement: at, 2h, k, wc, shower/technical room
Informasi tambahan On the residential floor, water-circulating underfloor heating with exhaust air heat pump, electric underfloor heating in the basement. On the residential floor and in a separate space of the basement floor, ventilation operated by an exhaust air heat pump, in the garage with gravity ventilation. Basement floor built with insulation blocks (400mm with 200mm styrofoam).

Detail bangunan dan properti

Tahun konstruksi 2025
Inaugurasi 2025
Lantai 2
Mengangkat TIDAK
Jenis atap Atap pelana
Ventilasi Ventilasi mekanis
Kelas sertifikat energi B , 2018
Pemanas Pemanasan listrik, Pemanasan di bawah lantai yang bersinar, Pemanasan di bawah lantai, Pompa panas udara buang
Bahan bangunan Kayu, Konkret
Bahan atap Lembaran logam
Bahan fasad Pelapis kayu
Nomor referensi properti 638-469-20-146
banyak daerah 831 m²
Jumlah tempat parkir 5
Jumlah bangunan 1
Medan Lereng
Jalan Ya
Kepemilikan tanah Memiliki
Situasi perencanaan Rencana terperinci
Rekayasa kota Air, saluran pembuangan, Listrik

Kelas sertifikat energi



Toko kelontong 1 km  
Pusat perbelanjaan 7 km  
Pusat kesehatan 7 km  
Sekolah 2 km  
TK 3 km  

Akses transportasi umum

Bis 0.3 km  


Pemanas 220 € / bulan (3.795.264,38 Rp) (memperkirakan)
Air 30 € / bulan (517.536,05 Rp) / orang (memperkirakan)
Sampah 18 € / bulan (310.521,63 Rp) (memperkirakan)
Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan 1.000 € / tahun (17.251.201,71 Rp) (memperkirakan)

Biaya pembelian

Pajak transfer 3 %
Biaya lainnya €160 (Rp 2.760.192) (Memperkirakan)

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